Monday, January 08, 2007

If I were Elected President.........

......this would be my platform.


National health coverage for everyone, regardless of income or any other status, except national citizenship. There would be no billing for any medical procedure or prescribed medication. This would cover any surgery, any consultation, any therapy, and any regular checkup for preventative care. Over the counter medications would not be covered by this. Dental, psychiatric, as well as any other cacre where the individual is seen as a patient would be covered.


Retirement would not be alowed to be forced onto individuals, who would be able to draw on their retirement accounts beginning at age 60. People 60 and older would still be allowed to work, without any limits on how much they can earn with any set time. There is no reason people should not be able to draw on their accounts and still work. It's their money, they earned it, and they should not be penalized for having extra income when they want to have it. Those individuals who have devoted thier careers to caring for others, especially in the medical and educational fields, would receive extra benefits upon reaching age 50.


All troops would be withdrawn from war zones in the Middle East. If friendly countries want the US government's aid in training their troops, we will bring those troops over to our soil, train them here, keeping our soldiers safe, and also ready to defend our HomeLand, but still providing high quality training to the Middle Eastern soldiers, as well as food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. The monies saved from bringing our troops back home would be used in other areas, mainly those directly benefitting the American citizenry, such as medical, education, and funds for those in need.


Marijuana would not only be decriminalized, but legalized, with the same restrictioins on its use as there are on tobacco. Other drugs (cocaine, crack, heroine, meth, etcetera) would be still considered contraband, but decriminalized. Instead of incarceration, those individuals who were found in possession of such substances would be bussed to another state, most likely Arizona, where these harder drugs would be legal. Detoxification clinics would fall under medical care and therefore would be covered, and available at all times, staffed with those who have a background in not only the medical sciences but also the psychological sciences. Those wishing to leave at any time would be allowed to do so, without screenings, but only after a search for the harder drugs. Children would be allowed in this area, with childcare facilities free to anyone, at all times. This would reduce any stress levels on parents, provide children with at least adequate care, meals, supervision, age-appropriate education, and playmates. Shelter, food, medical care, and also employment opportunities would be available to anyone within the area, with employment availabe to those who were at least 12 years of age, in age-appropriate positions (childcare assistant, deliveries, cleaning, and so forth for the younger indivinduals, 12-17, especially) in order to continue the economy. Those already residing in the area who do not wish to stay because they do not engage in drug use would be given twice the amount their residence was worth, plus a relocation bonus of $5000 for individuals, $8000 for childless couples, and $12,000 for those with children, individuals or couples.


to be continued


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