Sunday, August 12, 2007

What a Day, WOW!!!

First off, it is Mr Baby's Pawpaw's birthday. Mr Baby, Corey, and Mommy were out walking very early in the morning because nobody could sleep. Corey took Mr Baby down to see the street light. He was tossing him up in the air, when Mr Baby flipped his little legs out, and turned upside down!!! Talked about having a heart attack. Mommy about had one. Leo was up and he saw it, too. This was around 3 am. He came out of the house and was like 'woooo-eeeee'. We went back home and tried to get some sleep. That didn't happen until almost 6 am, though, and then Judy came over and knocked onthe door until corey answered it, waking up Mr Baby (who had almost gotten to sleep), then she left and came back a bit later, which really woke up Mr Baby. Mommy was sooooooo tired and she thought Mr Baby's brothers were up with him, so she laid back down adn went to sleep. Ah ha!!! Mommy is asleep, is what Mr Baby was thinking, so he gently pulled Mommy's glasses off her face and hid them in Josh's room (who was actually asleep), and then he quietly climbed up on top of Mommy's chest next to the fishtank, and did what he had been patiently waiting to do for the longest period of time: Throw all the fish equipment in to the tank!!! He topped this off by throwing a good 2/3's of his wooden blocks in after the fishnet. Now, would Mommy notice??? Hmmm.


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