Sunday, September 30, 2007

Poor baby

Got a sticker stuck, ouchies! Baby oil to the rescue. Then he got a spout from a salt container Rakkie had in his room stuck in his teeth.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Friday, September 28, 2007

Halloween Stuff!

We took a walk around the block and Mr Baby saw Halloween decorations in a yard, so we decided to put up our own, even though it is kinda early.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Play Doh!!!!!!!!!!!!

We went to wallyworld and got PLAY DOH!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!! Then we got a salad at subway.

These edible recipes for play dough are perfect for pre-school children that love to eat their art supplies and for us older children to join them and play and eat, too. Let the children help mix the dough because oh how they love to get their hands into mushy stuff (and this is a whole lot better than mud and dirt).

A great thing about a play dough activity is that it allows children to experience different textures and use four out of their five senses. Encourage creativity by putting out cookie cutters, little bowls, lids from jars, measuring spoons... and add to their fun by giving them Cheerios, Rice Krispies, Corn Flakes, colored cake decorating sprinkles/dots, chocolate chips, ice cream cones and other such items. To help them in their play-acting, give them Graham Cracker teddy bears and animal crackers.

I suggest covering a play area surface with waxed paper and let the children have a good time both creating and eating but be sure to give them some ideas and examples to get them started! Enjoy these fun projects with your children by letting your imagination be your guide be an "un-grownup", it's great fun!

This play dough is colorful and has a wonderful fragrance too. The kids just love it!
1/2 cup salt
2-1/2 cups flour
2 packages Kool-Aid
3 tablespoons oil
2 cups boiling water

Directions: Mix dry ingredients. Add oil. Add water and knead.

Storage: Store in plastic bags in the refrigerator.

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1 cup water
1 tablespoon oil
2 teaspoons Cream of Tartar
1 (3-1/2-oz.) package "unsweetened" Jell-O

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until consistency of mashed potatoes. Let cool and knead with floured hands until dry.

Storage: This recipe needs to cool completely "before" storing it in an airtight container! Note: The items made from this play dough recipe can be painted when they are dry.

Compliments of Kim Swanger

Then they close with: Enjoy these fun projects with your children by letting your imagination be your guideā€¦ be an "un-grownup", it's fun! But I already knew that, LOL.

Happy birthday, Sheri!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Zoo Today!

I called Uncle Grinn about his great grandfather Daniel A Smith, but he didn't know anything. I called to get some info, but all I got was the runaround with the government archives office's voicemail. One guy, who gave me the number where I was run around at, was really nice, though.

We went to the zoo today. Here are some pics:

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

We're Choctaw?

I just found out that my great great grandfather (my dad's mom's dad's dad) was on the Dawe's list of 1896 as a Choctaw. I need to confirm this with Uncle Grinn, though. Very cool.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Dr King's Today

We had to take Josh in to Dr King's office to be seen for his poison ivy rash. His right arm is so swollen, he can't move his hand. For some reason, the receptionist was a real bitch.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Worked on the JG Deck

I got the screws in better, much more secure now. I did sink a few too deep for the aesthetic look, but it'll still work. I called Pawpaw about what I could use for the sides, decided on deck railing. lots of work but it'll hold up real good.

Manuela called me that they were going to keep Josh until his poison ivy went away, then Dave called me back later to tell me that Josh's skin was splitting (ewwww) because it was so tight from the poison ivy swelling it up. Why can't he tell us when something is wrong, instead of just letting it get this bad? Manuela was worried about staph setting in. I hope he is ok and that he learns something from this.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Started on the Jungle Gym Today

Friday, September 21, 2007

Mr Baby is 21 Months Old Today

I remember when he was a newborn, darn it! LOL. He sure is getting big.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Last day of being 20 months old

Sorry, Corey!!!

Made the iron on transfers for Mr Baby's shirts.

And for yesterday...

Mr Baby decided to throw his first real bona fide tantrum. It was all because Mommy couldn't figure out what he wanted done with the red and white towel from bath time....

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pics for Mr Baby

Heh, Del was Paroled Today

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

JAF Today