We're on Our Way!
Grandma Dolly got us to the airport with plenty of time to spare, and even though the staff wanted to argue with me about the bike trailer going free, it went free. Here's the link they couldn't find, though. It's down towards the bottom, if you want to see it, hit ctrl+f and type in "Stroller Acceptance For a Ticketed or Lap Child" and at seven years old, he's definitely a ticketed child.
All three filghts were great, the airports themselves were ok, with the exception of Chicago's O'Hare. I found out later, after dumping a bag in the bathroom, and throwing away a bunch of books, and our favorite blanket, that the AA people at O'Hare flat out lied to me. Lazy butts!!! When I calm down, I'm calling to complain.
Karl made friends with a young man going with a group on a missions trip to Bolivia.
More pics soon!
Also, the day before we left, Grandma Judy got me a new laptop and a MagicJack. You might want one, too, before going overseas.
Here's a review I wrote a while back on ReviewStream.com about MagicJack.
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