Monday, October 08, 2007

Dentist's Office Today

Mr Baby went to the dentist's today. We got there early, so we went to go get his toys first. He got a new pony, which he tried to ride on, and some more play doh and play doh 'stuff'.

He sure does like play doh, though.

When he got done with his dental cleaning, I noticed he had tear marks on his sweet little face, on his left cheek. Poor baby. The consultant said I need to brush his teeth better/more often, and to start brushing his gums, as well. She told me when we first start brushing his gums, they might bleed for about two weeks. I don't think he is going to like that much at all.

Rakkie didn't go to school because we thought there was no school because of it being Columbus Day. They obviously did, though, because it says they called. It's too late now for me to call them and explain, so I'll have to do that tomorrow.

I did call Gary at IPFW and he told me that what the kid had told me on Friday was completely incorrect. Yay!!! So I do have enough to finish up my Master's degree, unlike what I was told on Friday. Silly work study (and I have been one of those, and yes, we are silly) kid told me that I only had enough to go another semester after this current one. I've gotten 88,000, and I can go up to 138,500, so if the difference between the two is only one semester, I don't want to see the tuition increase.

Rakkie took some pics of Mr Baby with his horsey, which he has named 'Cookie', after the pony he rode at the zoo.


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