Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Printer problems

ebay and printers don't mesh well, but I got it fixed, so here goes another package. I sold Mr Baby's Robeez booties for $9.99 plus s&h and they are going out tomorrow. Can't wait til January when I get to buy him another couple of pairs.

He is so stinking cute. He's learned to say 'stop!' when he wants me to notdo something. What a lil darling.

Thelady at the desk at CPS said about a week and a half and I would get my report in the mail. Yay!

Mr Baby still does nt want to eat anything. Poor kid, i know he has to be sick, but he doesn't act like it much, except he's lost his appetite.

Oh, and he clocked me in the head today with a couple of his wooden blocks. Good aim, Mr Baby, but next time, use a sponge!


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