Saturday, December 01, 2007

Ok, now Mommy is Mad.....

Gene brought Ed over here. Came early, by 20 minutes, and I saw them coming up to the door through the front window. I had just laid Mr Baby down for a nap, and didn't want Gene to bang on the door and wakeup Mr Baby, so I went to the door, but too late, Gene had already banged on it. Mommy banged back, so he would quit banging. Mommy let him in and said 'shhh, I just got him to sleep.' Gene yelled at Mommy and told her to not yell at him. Mommy said 'then don't go around trying to wake him up.' Gene said Mommy should have called him to let him know. WTF?!?!?!?!?! He should have called to let Mommy know he wasn't going to show up at 3, but at 2:40 instead. Mommy had called him just after 12 noon to find out when he was coming over, and he said 2 or 3 hours, so Mommy said if she woke Josh up at 2 it would still give him an hour to get ready, for Gene to come over at 3. Gene said that would work great. Then, Gene even called back and asked if we had agreed on 3 pm as being when he was supposed to come over. Then he shows up 20 minutes early and tries to make it look like Mommy's not all there. Mommy showed him 'not all there' - she 'couldn't find her keys' to the garage. Gene hadn't brought his own, so he had to go back and get his own set. Mommy got a video of it on security cam when they were coming up, and caught Ed going into the garage, showed him waiting until Gene was almost around the corner before going in it, and then he was back out before Gene and Josh came around the same corner of the house. So, Mommy has decided, that's it, we're moving and we are not buying the house. Mommy's done with the bs.


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