Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What a Bad Horrible Nasty Icky Long (did I say bad) Day

We went to Wally world to get Josh his contacts. found out that they can only see him on a Sunday, because other than that, there isn't any doctor there with a provider number, so the insurance won't cover it up front, I have to wait for it to reimburse me. One of the guys there, Siege, was very cute. He even told Mommy he was single. :-) Then, my card wouldn't work for anything over 20 bucks, so Josh had to buy his own minutes and headphones. Then it would work, but only for a little bit, but only after trying several times. This is what lead to Mommy getting a fraud report phone call from PayPal that she got when she got home. Then we missed the bus, only to find out that MrBaby had lost his BEAR. We went looking for it, and MrBaby found it, stuffed into the goody section in the first aisle that we went through to get checked out (which didn't happen, because of the card). Then we had to wait for the next bus, and Mommy said let's just get on the earlier bus, and then take another bus home, instead of just going straight home on the number 7. What a day!!!


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