Thursday, February 21, 2008

26 Months old today!!! And we are a Neilsen Family!

We had a partially bad day, but most of it was good, then Tom called. D had given him my number. Not sure about this, but we'll see. Only watched the second LOST because of being on the phone. Have to keep the diary they sent us up to date, seriously, by the 15 minute mark.

Mommy has to get Mr Baby's birthday party together soon! It's late, so maybe it is a better idea to have a half birthday party for him from now on.

Mommy fell asleep last night and didn't get her assignment done, so she had to work on it all day today. Ended up emailing it to Dr Roberts's email just 15 minutes before class was to start. Hope that it will be ok, but if not, I'm still auditing the class. Writing this on Sunday the 24th, with Sisser's birthday (15th) being tomorrow. Have to get caught up on all these posts as best Mommy can. Been so sick, it's unreal.


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