Nick was here
I'm driving myself batty with repacking over and over and over...... I made a list, of what I can bring, much better. Then I see the medical bag, the underwear bag............... BLEH!!!!
MrBaby put his pants on all by himself. He took them right back off, but he did put them on all by himself. Too cute.
Mr Baby got back up at 2 am today, and didn't go back to bed until he heard Josh's alarm go off at 6 am.
Mr baby fell asleep all by himself instead of having Mommy go to bed with him. He's such a good baby.
And Nick is over at Mike's house. Ewww. Gene sure did take back everything he ever said about Mike. I know I wouldn't have someone who was wearing my lingerie without permission watching my kid. Who knows what else he will do? Icky! Mommy told Gene that she was tired of being pushed out so far, and guess what he said? He said Mommy did it to herself. Uh, only because she didn't want to put up with Theresa's retarded assssssss. I don't like stupid people and the sooner she gets off my planet, the better. Gene can like them and the headaches they cause all he wants, that's his choice, but don't be an ass, Gene, and drag others (especially me) into your squalor.
Mr Baby peed in the big potty, all by himself, and didn't even tell Mommy til he was halfway through. Silly baby.