Monday, August 11, 2008

MrBaby's Trip to St. Joe ER

Poor MrBaby had to go to the emergency room. Sisser and her friend were swinging him and his arm popped. MrBaby said his arm stretched all the way down to the ground, and made him hit the grass. Poor baby boy. Mommy called Grandma and she took us to the hospital. The nice nurse tried to get MrBaby to use both arms (it was his left one that was hurt, and he is left handed) but he would only use his right. He cried if anyone tried to touch it. The nice doctor came in and told Mommy that they have to check it to see where it is out, and Mommy knew he was going to adjust it, and he said sometimes we go 'pop' and he fixed it. MrBaby cried and cried and cried, and Mommy asked the doctor how long for him to cry, and he said no more than ten minutes, if longer, they would check him again. Three or four minutes later, MrBaby was up running around again like nothing had ever happened. Corey even came up to see him and brought him a snow tiger toy. MrBaby cried and cried again when Grandma came to pick us up and Corey left with Shannon to go in her car to go back to the house. Poor MrBaby, he had a very bad night.


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