Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Erin/Ashley/Summer's Birthday!!!

Mommy tried to call her, but she was already out having fun. Hopefully, she will call and let Mommy know how much fun she had.

MrBaby and Mommy went to the park, and a BEE landed on Mommy's left foot, on her toes, and she tried to get it off, but it got stuck in her flip flop, so she had to smack the flip flop on the step until it got unstuck. This was right after this guy walked by Mommy, then climbed up to the top of the jungle gym to sit behind her. Creepy. We left right after the bee got unstuck. Mommy said she couldn't study with bees trying to get her. When we got home, Josh was already here, and he let MrBaby watch videos in his room.


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