Tuesday, October 14, 2008

MrBaby had a Very Bad Day

It started out good, though. We had a very nice surprise. Aunt Sheri and Ashley Rose are moving back to Fort Wayne, and they came over to let us know. MrBaby got to play with his 'new' cousin, and he said 'yes' when Mommy asked him if he wanted Aunt Sheri to be his other Mommy. He cried a LOT when they left. MrBaby wanted to go with them, and let us all know.
Later, MrBaby and Mommy ate taco salad, and MrBaby choked on a chippy! Mommy was so scared, but she knew he would be ok because he could still breathe, he even told Mommy to 'leave me alone' when she was trying to check on him. Poor MrBaby threw up all over the floor. The chippy was stuck sideways and he could still breathe, but he said it hurt really bad. Mommy called 911, but they told her to call the desk sergeant, but they didn't know, and they transferred Mommy to an ambulance driver, who had never heard of the medication that Mommy was asking about. Mommy read somewhere, a long long time ago, and can't remember where, so it could have been a fiction book, and completely made up or in a medical journal or book, so it could have been true, that if you choke on something, you are supposed to take some kind of medication to keep your throat from swelling up. Nobody knew, and MrBaby seemed just fine. Mommy told the ambulance driver that he must be fine, he was arguing with Mommy (over a picture of Josh that he kept saying was Corey, silly boy).
So after MrBaby choked on his chippy, MrBaby and Mommy went over to Marathon to get ice cream, and Mommy got a malt cup. She was helping MrBaby get some of it when he said he could do it by himself, so he was holding it up and drinking the melted part when half of it came crashing out and smacked him in the right eye. MrBaby didn't like that one bit and started crying to go take a bath. LOL, poor baby boy. Then, he got both of his bears wet, so Mommy made him wash them in the washing machine. Ditto looks brand new again, lol, poor Bear still looks dingy.


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