Tuesday, November 04, 2008

bleh, bad feeling

need to get back home so i can take this mesage down that i have a bad feeling about these extractions. i wish my chest would quit hurting so often. josh is an asswipe, seriously. he knew for the past two weeks i was going in, and he said he doesn't even care if i keel over. couldn't care less. fine. he said he didn't care if i kicked him out. and londa is being weird, too, again, of course. seems like when i need people the most, i have their help the least.

Nope, did ok, Sheri watched MrBaby at Matthew25, and they even let them come back when I got the three little ****** out. The dentist was GREAT! I only felt a little bit of ouchiness when he was getting the bottom (the worst one, too) out. Yay, they're OUT OUT OUT!!!!!!!!!


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