Wednesday, March 25, 2009


MrBaby stuck his right index finger in the cooler fan at Brownlee's today. He wasn't scared at first, the sound made him jerk his finger out before he got really hurt, but he acted like he was in trouble for playing with the fan, until Mommy asked him if he left part of his finger in there. That's when he looked at his finger and saw he was bleeding. He bled a little bit, not very much, but he was really scared. After he quit bleeding, he still wouldn't let Mommy clean it up. He finally washed his hands a bit, and the nick he got from the fan was about as bad as one of those hangnails he gets. It's not cut, but rather scratched. The pictures look a lot worse than what they really are. Poor kid, he told me that all his blood came out of him.


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