Monday, August 17, 2009

Good News? Hoping so!

Death how you feel about yourself now (Death)

Perhaps you feel that everything as you have known it is falling apart. Unexpected changes and turmoil, end of a job, end of a career, divorce or end of a relationship, recovering from a bereavement or fear of bereavement. Try not to worry too much, this time of absolute endings heralds a brand new beginning, a period of great transformation.
The World what you most want at this moment (The World)

The cards suggest LorriAnne, that what you most want at this time is a successful conclusion after all your hard work - well that time is close. This is a time for completion and satisfaction, the final change is here and you've done your best to win through.
Temperance your fears (Temperance)

You are afraid that this period of harmony in your relationship or life in general is not going to last. Perhaps you are afraid a rival is going to cause conflict or already is and threatens to upset the peace and tranquillity you are enjoying. Any quarrels will be short lived so just try and enjoy the moment for what it is. If life is not joyful and tranquil at the moment you may fear that it never will be, take heart and be patient and life will soon have a sense of normality again.
Wheel Of Fortune what is going for you (Wheel Of Fortune)

Call it fate or destiny but the run of good luck or good fortune you are experiencing or about to experience is mostly not of your doing - enjoy this time. If there seem to be a number of positive coincidences happening in your life this is known as synchronicity, go with the flow and trust it.
The Sun what is going against you (The Sun)

You may experience a few delays on your quest for success and achievement but don't worry, you'll get there in a blaze of glory. Success may go to your head a little so a little modesty wouldn't go amiss. Other than a few minor delays, look forward to a period of joy and happiness. If you are experiencing problems with conceiving a baby, The Sun often heralds good news around children and a much wanted pregnancy or birth of a longed-for baby.
The Hanged Man outcome (The Hanged Man)

You will in time know what decision to make about who or what must be given up. This is a time of passage from one phase of your life to another. It may be a difficult choice, and self-sacrifice is never easy, but if you look for truth and integrity and don't be too materialistic or hang onto things or people for all the wrong reasons, everything will turn out in your favour.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

fake happiness

gotta love hateable clowns, it's the silly ones you have to beware of (right, SweetCakes?)