Saturday, November 11, 2006


Sigh, working on homework, w00t w00t. Mr. Baby doesn't want to play with Nnick. Acts scared of him. Every time Nick goes around him, Mr. Baby cries for me. I hope Aaron comes over today. (Which he did, and spent the night, too. Yay!!! Mr. Baby is happy!!!)

Well, talked to Dave and he said he is not going to let Josh stay with me any more, even though Manuela just said that she wants him to come back home (meaning here) on Sunday. I give up. Dave even said Josh said he would go in and talk to someone about him being depressed. I just don't get why that kid hates me so much. Everyone tells me it will pass, that he will get over it. I don't think so. He hates me and said he wished I wasn't his mom. I really think we need to make that legal before he can move on. I still have the paperwork. i think we need to talk to Ashe about it, too. She hasn't been out here in at least three months, and she never calls, either. I really do not need to be their mom if they don't need or want me to be.

I talked to Corey later on, got Clayr's number, called her. They are coming up for Thanksgiving Day, so I told mom online, thinking that she and Cindy were coming here, but from what she said, I think they are still planning on going to a restaurant instead. I'll have to check. Clayr said she is still in a size 1, so the 3's and 5's I got from my cousin won't fit Clayr.


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