Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Ok, first, Londa showed up at 7:22 AM, and we talked for a while. She left a while later, and while we were sitting out on the front porch (don't have a back porch to sit on, lol), this black poodle came up to us. The evil Princess Kitty was outside with us, and she got all upset about the dog. Mr Baby got so scared, he was shaking. I grabbed him, rather clumsily, I might add, because he was wiggling around so much, I couldn't get a grip on him sufficient to pick him up with, and hoisted him up on the porch. Londa wasn't worried about the dog. It was a cute dog, but when a dog doesn't wag its tail, or bark or sniff the ground, but almost walk out into the street, (and no reaaction at all to the cat, on top of it all), to me there is something wrong with the dog. Londa left, I called animal control, they had voice mail up to call the desk sargeant, so I did that, the lady there told me to watch the dog. As in follow it around. I told her the dog had already scared the crap out of my baby, and wasn't going to do that especially with a strange acting dog. DUH!!!!!!! Anyways, a bit later, I get a knock at the door. The animal control lady. Asked if it was my dog. I said nope, I was the one who called about it, though. Poor dog let her slip a leash over its head and it trotted off with her to the animal control van. I am wondering if I can find out what happeend to it. Princess sure did notlike it one bit, though.


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