Thursday, May 17, 2007

Busy week...

Two days ago, we were coming back from a walk down on Rudisill, and heard this soundlike a kitten crying. Turns out it was a little boy, about 2 or 3, on his front porch. I opened the door for him, he ran inside, and threw himself down on the couch. Poor kid. I could hear a phone ringing, sounded like a cell. He wouldn't answer me, I told him to not go outside any more. I didn't want to call anyone about it cause they would just tkae him away and put him in foster care. The night before, the cops had been out here, busting people so I am hoping that they didn't bust his mom and leave him behind so they could use it against her later. I told Theresa about it, and she said I shouldn't have let him back inside, since his mom probably put him out on the prch for a punishment. Uh, I hope she never did that to Nick, but now I don't believe Gene that she was just saying that to get to me, I think she really did let him go outside and play by himself at 18 months.

Mr Baby is so cute. that's not why I'd never leave him outside by himself at such a young age, though. He could gethurt, snatched, run over, picked on, stung by a bee, bit by a bug, drown in someone's pool (we set up our own, by the way) or fall down and scrape his knee. It could be anything.....

Last night, I decided to list the pack n play on ebay. I hate listing there, they really suck, but I don't really have a choice, I need the money if I am going to pay for things we need. I told lenny I'd give him the cell number so he can still call me for when the verizon stuff gets turned off. He sent me the green sickly guy smiley. Then he wanted to talk, I didn't repsond.

I called a guy from CM, Wes, and talked to him a couple of times last night. I think heis really cool.

I got on Nick about scaring Mr Baby. He acts fine with him when I am around, but as soon as I leave the area, Nick gets really mean towards him, trying to jump at him and growling, scratching at him with his hands, and wavinghis arms around athim. Mr Baby doesn't like it one bit.

Few days back, Nick decided, and this was before Mother's Day, that he was going to get all pissy and start screaming at his mom thathe hated her and all kinds of stuff. Ran out the door (again, this is the second time I am talking about) and banged on the glass again. I really have to move from here in August. I get my check, and we have to gooooooo. I don't want Mr Baby seeing that, it seems like every time Nick does that, Mr Baby is up half the night with either night terrors, which are really the worst, or nightmares. I don't wan thim thinking he can run off like Nick does, and I don't want him thinking he can act hateful like that.

Came back from Brownlee's and Nigel was here. He had ridden the bus over here to see Rakkie.


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