Thursday, May 10, 2007

Oh yay, fricking great.......

I found out this early am that Nick had been exposed to head lice a couple months back. Joy. I called his dad to lethim know, and he freaked. Bad. He called the school and had them check Nick's hair. Thankfully, he does not have it. I seriously doubted that he did, I was just telling his dad because I was so pissed about it. A while back, the kid's mom asked to use my clippers so she could cut her son's hair. Well, she said the clippers were cutting it too short, so she was just going to shave it all off, so it would grow back in evenly. I said 'ok' and got her the other attachment. Now she is telling me she shaved his head because he had head lice. i need a wall. I need a wall. I need a WALL.............

Speakingof walls, Mr Baby got a surprise today. I hung up his sunflower painting (the big one) on the back of the bookshelf. Hopefully, it will last. I used roofing nails, of all things, to hang it up (there's no frame).

Manuela called me to let me know what has been going on lately. Rakkie has a new girl in his sights. I told Gene later on I was going to get him a CB2000 and get Ashe a chastity device. Don't they have anti-hormone shots yet on the market??? Dang. Manuela doesn't think they will let Rakkie go back to Northside, They better, or I will sue the shit out of them.

I finished up the yardwork with the weedeater. I also worked on the trellis. There is already a vine or two (I killed one while working around it - oooops) growing around the base. So far, no morning glories are popping up. While I was working on the trellis, though, I discovered two flea larvae trying to use me as their first meal. They won't make it to fleas. Now I am worried Princess has them, since she snuck outside. My fault, I knew the cord kept the door open, and I could have shut the kitchen-to-basement door. Ahhh, yes, it's the end of te world........

Mr Baby came up to me and said "B!" while holding his big purple 'B'. Then he insisted it was a 'D'. Silly butt. He's still growling like a cat with a furball.


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