Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Check came

Bought $180-something in Avon on credit, but christmas shopping is done for Ashe and GM, and Aunt Sissie, too. Got Ashe's birthday done, also.

Mr Baby is doing really well with his blocks and his shape sorter. He built a tower with the wooden blocks that was taller than what he is the other day.

We went to the park the other day and he acted like he was afraid of the slide, wouldn't go down by himself on his butt, only on his tummy. I can't wait to get started on his jungle gym and fort. I have all these plans in my head, and nobody to stop me. I am hoping I don't make too many mistakes, LOL. I want it to be cute and very unique.

I called a place today that sounds real good about helping people get into their own house, but then they 'kinda' changed thier story. I say 'kinda' because they didn't say they personally didn't do it that way, yadda yadda yadda, but that the 'other guy' didn't do things like what I was describing. so much for -0- down, right?

I've been working on a genealogy tree. Yay. Here is the link: Link to genealogy tree. So far I have gotten a fraction of Mr Baby's grandma's side down. This is not going to be one of those weekend projects. Not at all. I have found one guy who appears to have two mothers, cousins who married, and people from Sweden who don'tinherit either of their parents' surnames. Great.

It has been a week and a day since we have seen Nick. Every time I ask when he is coming back over, they get shitty with me. Moving and not telling them is starting to become more and more the right thing to do. Pawpaw is going to take me to go cash my check tomorrow so I am going to see if he will either take me over and just drop me off around where Kendra lives at, or actually drive me around over there and check the area out for houses for rent (phone numbers).


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