Saturday, September 20, 2008

Johnny Appleseed Festival

MrBaby's third year, too. I am sooo tired. We got to IPFW, and had to walk over the bridge to the Festival itself, and then, this year, even though I've never done this part before, we went down the big hill (you can kind of see in the pic of the big white tents) so MrBaby could go play games and win prizes in the children's area. He's got really good aim for as young as he is.

Then, when we got done doing that, we had to walk all the way down the length of the park so we could get back up. The incline was just too steep anywhere else, and it made it impossible to climb backup. We went all the way down to the dock area. And then it was still a climb. I pulled his stroller backwards just to get him up it.

He had a lot of fun, though. At first he was scared and refused to get ready to go to the 'great big party', he said 'too many people, and strangers are there.' I kept telling him it was ok, he just had to stay with Mommy, that he would get toys, which he got one flute. A lot of the time, it seemed I was trying to get him to a bathroom, only to hear him say he didn't have to go any more.

We got corn on the cob, his was free because I asked for a baby sized one, and they don't charge for those, but it was full sized, because they didn't have any baby sized ones, and a pound of chocolate fudge. He also got two baby pumpkins, and two little gourds. For the prizes on the games, he got a tootsie roll, two gum balls (which he dropped on the ground) and a very sour piece of candy that he ended up not liking so he gave it to me, a beaded necklace (three beads) and an apple necklace.

I'm thinking we should go again tomorrow, it's supposed to be cooler, and I love that festival, but I am so incredibly tired. I didn't get to go to all the places I wanted to go, since we got a late start and had to leave earlier than we planned. I ran into my sister, too, right after we got our fudge. She was getting some too. Ohhh, that fudge is wonderful. If I go again tomorrow, I'll be getting some more.

In the pics below, I took another one of him next to the big rock. He has grown! Lil stinker! He still does not like the bagpipes, though, but he does like to look at those horses pulling the cart.


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