Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Puter is down for next couple of days

The power supply on the router went bad, so now we are on dial up. *sigh*

Grandma Elinor called, and then brought Mommy another $500, and Mommy's diplomas. She was writing it up about how much she has given Mommy back, and Mommy had to remind her about another $100 that she had already given Mommy. She only had the first $300 and then one of the $100's that she had given Mommy.

Later, Mommy went out to IPFW to take her exam. MrBaby did really well with Josh. He still has all of his fingers and toes, and no new cuts or gashes. LOL (and whew!) Mommy thinks she did fairly decently on her exam. She picked the questions about patriarchal rulership and also about Islam being a factor in the stability of Middle Eastern countries. It took an hour, and the whole essay book (blue book, they are sometimes called, because they are blue) and Mommy's hand hurts so bad now. Mommy is going to ask if she can type up the next exam's answers instead. MrBaby fell asleep on the bus when we were almost home.


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