Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the Thirteenth...... In October, even!!!

Baby and big brother went to go get shots today. Big brother was a lot more nervous than baby was, but BB knew what was going on. He didn't even feel it, though, on the first one, and barely felt it on the second one. Baby cried until just before he fell asleep. Later on, he got the hang of eating chicken pattie pieces off a fork. He is so darn cute. Poor little guy is so constipated here lately, though.

Planning on going to the zoo tomorrow - it closes on Sunday, so tomorrow is about the last day for us to go. Found out babysitting needs done, so we won't be going alone. We'll have another little boy with us.

I think my wrists are getting better, slowly, but finally. And I have either two 20 page papers coming up, or one 30-40 page paper. Take my pick.........

Have to start planning baby's birthday party soon, too. He is going to be a year old soon. Hard to believe, but so true.


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