Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Dr's visit today for Mr Baby

Monday, February 26, 2007

Princess Kitty Cat is 2 Today!!!!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ashe's Birthday!!!

She is 14 today, yay!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Friday, February 23, 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mr Baby is 14 months old today

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Monday, February 19, 2007

Three Days with a Fever...

Poor guy, but he is up playing and all that fun stuff, just without an appetite. He woke up when it broke last night, all sweaty and cranky. It broke again later this evening, must have been the tylenol-ibuprofen mix.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Still has a fever

it broke last night, and then back again. called the nurse, she went over what to do, so now Mr Baby is on not only tylenol but also ibuprofen. I just have to explain to gene that he's got to quit buying the most expensive items in the store, especially if he wants me to be able to stay on a budget. I guess telling him to get walgreen's brand isn't enough. He ended up spending twice as much as what he needed to on meds. I guess he doesn't care since it's my money, because he did the same thing at the grocery store.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Mr. Baby's 1st Real Fever

Wow, he actually had a fever today. While I was taking care of him with Dora's help, she got to see how bad Theresa is towards me and also how she acts towards Nick.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Kids' First Blizzard

This isn't, however, as bad as I remember them being, but it is only a few hours into it. It started about 4 or 5 am, and already everything is closed, including the public libraries and, omg, IPFW. IPFW actually closed. So maybe it is bad out there. DOesn't look like it, though, from the inside of the house. I just called Corey to say we should send some of this to Clayr, but his answering machine came on instead. I pressed 0, then 1, then 6 and left a 'short message' for him to check his email. Now I need to send an email. LOL

rescheduled Mr. Baby's appointment for the 27th of February, at 10:30 am.

Aaron spent the night last night, too. He does not like pork roast.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Too cool!

Mr Baby has learned how to wash his hands. It's adorable.

Talked to Dad, he is going to help Rakzor with his point-slope intercept stuff next weekend.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


I put stuff in here, where'd it go??????

Friday, February 09, 2007

Had court today

Glad that is over, at least until early March.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Londa said she could get me a bunch of seashells. I'm hoping she goes soon. She needs to get set up with a paypal account.

Nick peed all over the toilet seat, even told me he did it on purpose. His dad said he would have made him clean it up like I did. I just don't understand that kid sometimes.

Aaron was a little angel all day.

Oh. Anna Nicole Smith died today, this afternoon. I always liked her, in that she was my age (would have been 40 in November, on the 28th) but still considered to be extremely sexy.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

What a day!

It ended with LOST, two hours of it, seemed like 15 minutes, though.

Mr. Baby tore up his first book. He ripped Grover out of the back of the "Theres' a Monster at the End of This Book" book.

Josh and Whittney got back together today (but I don't find out til tomorrow - I'm writing this tomorrow.......)

Watched (tried to, anyways) "A Man for All Seasons". Heh, not my type of movie for a movie review for an ethics class. Too interesting on different levels, not academic ones. Maybe that is why I suck at history. I ended up with "Hotel Rwanda" instead.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Hillary's birthday today.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Wow, what a day today was!

Zachary cam eover and we had a nice talk. October 15th is the day.

The she came over, I took off to go to Brownlee's to get stuff, and when I came back, and then seh left, I found out that not only did she leave the lid up on the toilet, but she didn't flush. Well, now I know why she never washes her hands. She doesn't WIPE!!!!!!!!!! ICK!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Bowl

We won, we won, we won, we won, we won, chicago LOST, hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Speakingof LOST, 21 finally put it up on the listings so I could autotune it. they were starting to give me fits. BLEH!!!!!

Mr. Baby is so cute. I put him back in his johnny jump up, because when I put him on the scales, it said he still weighed only 21 pounds (wtf, he has weighed the same since he was like 10 months old, and 20 at 6-7 months old, but he grew an inch and a half in 5 weeks time - go figure). I took some pics, but when I looked at them later, he looked like he was naked cause he didn't have anything buthis diaper on, cause he just got out of the tub, but I don't think those would look too good up on here. I'll take more later on, though.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Watching a movie tonight

it's like a cross between Pumpkinhead and Sleepy Hollow....... A lot cooler than what I expected. Gawd, 4 more days until LOST is on. I saw that they are even having an extra part where they will fill people in on what all the secrets are going to be. I hope that doesn't ruin it.

Mr. Baby got the card I sent him yesterday, so Cindy should be getting hers today too, or maybe Monday.

Friday, February 02, 2007


Josh and Ashe are BOTH grounded. Bad grdes.

I spent about 5 hours on the phone with Londa helpingher get online ID's. I HATE AOL!!!!!!!!!

Oh, Happy GroundHog Day!!!!!

I took Mr. Baby's slide and desk downstairs. They take up soooooo much room up here. What a difference that made.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Dream just now

I just dreamed about Rakzor's ex-gf - she had a poster card with stuff regarding another of her ex-bf's on the left of the card, and Rakzor on the right. I never got to open up Rkzor's side, though. The first ex-bf's part read, on the inside, "I had all of his things, but I lost his money card so no one could have it." It was written in that flowery handwriting. In the middle was a video part, had her and another girl on some kind of swing that had a sign posted saying it "is not appropriate for younger children" so i walked all the was around it (yes, now i am in the video) to get in the door of the hotel's lobby to catch up with her ex-bf, so I can tell him she no longer has his money card, but he tells me he does not care, he has more cards, and she could have kept it. I'm trying to get back out of the lobby and around the swing (it was in the hotels' driveway) to get back to the poster card so I can read Rakzor's part, but I never make it. I think this dreaqm stems from the card Afton sent him that he wouldn't show me.