Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Bowl

We won, we won, we won, we won, we won, chicago LOST, hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Speakingof LOST, 21 finally put it up on the listings so I could autotune it. they were starting to give me fits. BLEH!!!!!

Mr. Baby is so cute. I put him back in his johnny jump up, because when I put him on the scales, it said he still weighed only 21 pounds (wtf, he has weighed the same since he was like 10 months old, and 20 at 6-7 months old, but he grew an inch and a half in 5 weeks time - go figure). I took some pics, but when I looked at them later, he looked like he was naked cause he didn't have anything buthis diaper on, cause he just got out of the tub, but I don't think those would look too good up on here. I'll take more later on, though.


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