Saturday, May 05, 2007

Today, wow!

First, I got to take a shower, very cool. After that, I got to finish up my exams, and now, I am done with school, until August. Yay!!!! Then Ashe and Rakkie came over and she actually gave me my perfume back. She did, however, make sure she insulted it by saying it smelled like old lady butt. (I'd like to know how she knows what old lady butt smells like, and which old lady's butt she sniffed to know for sure.)

Mr Baby is so cute, he got a sucker from the barber, and then a nother from Duane. I need to take pics of them over at Brownlee's so i can put them in here.

later on, after putting Mr Baby down for the night, Iheard a 'thump' down in the basement. Princess Kitty heard it too. Nobody was down there when I went down to check, though.

Watching a movie, a bit after midnight, and it is about a woman who can go back and forth thru time with this music box. She puts her daughter to bed, goes to sleep herself, curled up next to her husband, and wakes up next to someone else. She runs downstairs to see her daughter, and she is gone, like she was never there. I hate that, things like that are what make me want to cry and I hate crying over movies. There is enough to cry over in the world that is real, but can you imagine, waking up, and your kid just does not exist and you are the only one who remembers her? No pictures, no nothing. Like byunni Lake, only for real, and no one to go after, etiher. Ok, she went back agqain with the music box and it worked, she has her daughter again. I am going to be such a fill in the lank here over the summer, I'm so not going to know what to do with myself.............


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