Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Mr baby and I saw a blood moon last night, but even though he cried, and did a lot of it, too, something didn't feel 'right' outside, so I took him back inside. Boy, was he mad.

Lost isn't on. I think I am going to cry.

Mr Baby is having a very bad day. He peed through two diapers over night, woke up poopied, and then when he was throwing a fit because I c ouldn't getout of the bathroom fast enough, he bonked his nose on the carved part of the bathroom door. Looks almost like a burn, it's all red and shiney, but no bruise yet. Silly baby.

He found my fourth battery!!!! Yay, for Mr Baby!!!!!!!!!

Josh is still over at Grandma's house - Cindy is not up to bringing him home yet. Corey said it might be Sunday before he gets to come home.


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