Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Busy busy day

We went down to Matthew25 this morning, only to find that they had had 15 people already there before us, and they were running way behind. We left and MrBaby fell down outside of Kids' law, smacking his head on the sidewalk. Not fun, poor little guy. He cried a lot, and when I got him calmed down, we went on our way, but he changed his mind and said yes, he did want to go into Kids' Law after all, so we back tracked and went inside. Then, he didn't want to leave without taking their playdoh, so Mommy took a little smidgen off an orange can's contents. So, we went back home, stopping at B&B Loan on the way, and picking up Brother Bear 2 and Monsters Inc., and then running out to the Mexican grocery store. Then, we went back to Matthew25, and Mommy got seen. MrBaby got to push the X-ray button for Mommy's x-rays three times. They put Mommy on antibiotics, and they are going to pull three teeth and fill two (not one, like Mommy thought). On the way back (again), Mommy saw a pink piece of paper on the ground, on the east side of the City-County Building, and Mommy picked it up because she thought it had a baby's picture on it, like one of those stickers you can order with your child's picture made into a sticker. It wasn't a sticker, though, it was just a leaf or two that looked like a baby (really like Corey - or maybe MrBaby- when he was really little), but when Mommy unfolded it, she read what it said 'God's Chosen'. Mommy put it in her right pocket. She'll have a dream about it here soon. But poor MrBaby, he was so very tired. But he was very good, little angle baby that he is. Mommy loves him so very very very much and is just as proud of him as she loves him. He fell asleep at about 9 PM on Mommy's lap.


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