Thursday, May 20, 2010

Went to the Shelter Last Night

This is the same,and yet,it is so different. They gave me the tour. The building hasn't changed at all, but they actually showed me the playground this time. It's been so long since I've been there, about 15 years, that I wasn't even in their records. I think that was a good thing, cause the last time I was here, they kicked me out when I wouldn't let the kids go to the zoo after the staff told me I couldn't go when they learned my ex worked for the city and was at the zoo on a regular basis dropping off wood chips from his job. I had told them I didn't have a picture of him for the staff, and with three of my kids, they were kind of hard to watch, if their Daddy showed up, he could grab the kids and walk off with them. Legally, there would be nothing the staff could do. And I knew that. When I told the staff this, that is when they kicked me and the kids out of there.

Tammy is here. She was here before, when I got kicked out. They weren't any nicer to her than what they were to me. This time, the staff all seem really nice. Some of the other women who are here seem really lost. My roommate has kids. The staff said I am in one of the moms' rooms, I won't have any single roommates at all. Only ones with kids.

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Saturday, May 08, 2010

My Cousin Debbie in California Wants Us to Come Visit

She wants us to come visit before we go back to Bolivia, but the thing is, is that I really want her to come out here to Fort Wayne, instead, and see the rest of the family. She said she's not having it. She can't leave her business that long. (I know it's a good business, even though she never sent me the sauce they use, from reading this review of it here.) Ok, fine. So we're thinking we're looking at the possibility of going out there to see her and her hubby.
Now I find out she's having car problems, and I am wondering if that is part of why she said no. But if she can't get to the airport to get on a plane, what if she can't come pick us up? Either way, she could have used a taxi. It's not making any sense. Ok, fine, cool, maybe she just doesn't want to leave the comforts of home. I talk to her hubby, and he says the car isn't there at the house, it's in the shop. He says it's over at the Los Angeles Auto Repair shop and it's only supposed to be in there a little while. Says she is just upset, but she's told me this before that she didn't want to come here. I mean, it's summer coming on, so it's not going to be cold. I just don't get it.

I talk to her later on, and find out that she has no clue what a head gasket is, but that is what is wrong with her car. Her little Honda Civic decided to take a poop on her, and that's the problem. My mom had a 2001 Honda Civic, and she had the same problem, too. Not sure what year Debbie's is, but it was the same problem. Honestly, I'm glad I don't drive, lol.

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Thursday, May 06, 2010

We WON in Court Today!!!!!!!

We are ecstatic!!!! They tried to fight it, but the judge was very firm with them, and explained, that yes, they were responsible for any damage that occurred while our things were on their property. She advised me to sue in Superior Court for everything I could, and guess what? I am, I definitely am. I will keep you posted on this. We go on the 16th to retrieve our things.