Tuesday, January 30, 2007

School's cancelled

I think I am going to reschedule Mr. Baby's Dr's appointment. Nick will most likely make the whole excursion very tedious. No use in that. I have that exam today, and/or tomorrow. No reason to mess with my studies because he can't control himself. And his mom thinks she can make it thru nursing school. Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!! He's not going to let her do what she needs to do. I've seen too many students drop out even with supportive families and well-behaved kids, just because of a cold or a car accident. She's one of those people who should just stay happy with what she's got. She speaks from experience, though, when she says 'sux to be you.' LOL

Monday, January 29, 2007

Busy day yesterday, lazy day today......

except the phone keeps ringing....... ick!

And it's snowing like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Certified! Again!!!

I am now a certified non-key personnel research assistant by CITI, as of this morning. Very early. Score was 97%. Not bad.

Now on to reading the book by Bok on Lying for the SPEA class, and to finish up the four chapters in the LBST class, all before the 31st. Ick!

I was fixing scrambled eggs in the kitchen (where else, right?) and I turn around, and Mr. Baby is standing there, NAKED, chewing on a cup he yanked out of the garbage can. EWWWWW! Him being naked is ok, garbage chewing is NOT!

Then I checked the front door to see why it was so fricking cold in here. It had snow blowing up under the storm door. Another thing I have to fix. Bleh!

And I got my tat fixed, as well, w00t w00t!!!!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Heh heh heh

Corey is 20 today, w00t w00t!!!!!!!! He is now half my age, hahaha. A week and a day ago I was 3 times Ashe's age, and they are six years apart, lol.

Corey called me, and then right after that, so did lenny. Corey has more patience, I guess, he stayed on the line while I talked to lenny, twice, lenny only did the same once. Maybe it was because it was so far away. Dunno. Corey said he got to talk to Clayr and she is already in Iraq, and he gave me the address to write her.

Friday, January 26, 2007


is Corey's birthday. I got the vac today. Mr. Baby dumped out his veggie puffs all over the kictchen floor, and then put about 1/4 of them back in the container, one at a time. He's just adorable. Oh, and it doesn't look like I did anything at all to them. Elmo's batteries are already getting worn down. Poor Elmo can't do much of the shaking involved in the hokey pokey any more.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

eBay - OUCH!!!!!!

This is what I sent to eBay about it:
It's not an error message, per se, but I bid on a multiple item auction 130070382398 and I put in $1.00 and then (I think) $2.27, for two items, and then I decided I would go for all 5 items in the auction, and bid up to $6.13. Nobody else bid. I was the only one. But when I won, it said I had to pay $6.13 each instead of $1.00 each item. Please help!!! Is this the way that multiple item auctions are supposed to work? I have taken a screenshot of the seller's listings page, with the item at the top, with one minute to go, and it says there are 2 bids and the current bid is $1.00. Please, help me on this, that is $30+ extra I wasn't expecting to pay.



Well, the seller let me out of the deal, maybe because I bought so many other items from her. Wow, I was panicking. Anyways.......

Mr. Baby's Hokey Pokey Elmo came in the mail today. He's not too sure about him. I think Mr. Baby thinks Elmo is sick or something, with all that shaking. I keep telling him Elmo is dancing.

Then, about midnight, I decided to do something I have never ever done. Pluck my eyebrows. I can't tell any difference. Maybe in the morning. ~sigh~

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It Took a While...

...But that guy finally came and got the tv off the porch today. Yay!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Monday, January 22, 2007

What day is this?

I found thisopen window today, the 22nd of January, but I know it wasn't opened today. I'm wondering what day it will show as being made on. Time to find out.............

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Neederfly and Mr. Baby's First Real Snow

I just explained to my daughter's best friend (and son's ex-gf) that her current bf is a neederfly.

Woke up and it had snowed. Finally. Couldn't get either of the kids to go shovel the walk, though. Ashe actually said it was ugly. We discussed other colors it might be, lol. Too cold for Mr. Baby to go out, though. Maybe tomorrow. Plus he keeps crapping in his diaper. Like 4 times today. Poor baby.

Then Mr. Baby was talking in his sleep. Too cute. What a sweet baby.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Heh heh heh

I bet you can't tell me what today is, hahahaha....

Daughter just asked if I use my pinkies to type. I dunno. Do I? I guess I don't. I know I can type one handed just as fast as I can with both hands.

That was done with the right. The next kline will be done with the left.

ok, so do I type with tyhe left as fast as I do with the right? Maybe, but I have more typo I have to fix.

Oh well, I'm not perfect, even today. LOL

Friday, January 19, 2007

Last day I will be 3 times Ashe's age.....

Mr. Baby drew all over his face today, silly baby. I got him an onion over at Brownlee's and he ate it like I thought he would.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Mr. Baby hit me in the left collarbone with his little yellow hammer. OUCH!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007




Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Silly Mr. Baby decided to try to grab the toilet paper today, got twisted around, fell, and got his head stuck, by his neck, between the toilet and the wall. He wasn't happy and after I realized he hadn't broken his neck, it was kinda comical.

Nick's Birthday Yesterday

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Today (Other posts made today are out of order, last I checked)


Yesterday, January 13, 2007

Josh and Ashe sowed up today, mail came, and Mr. Baby's new doll, just like me and Cindy's baby brother dolls from when we were kids was in a box. He also got three winnie the pooh bears. His little tykes jr block with slide also came, fed ex.

January 12, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Very Sad Day...

A year ago, Clayr was helping me out with Mr. Baby and trying to get intothe military, at the time, the Air Force, but turns out, they had (maybe still do) a thing against women joining their ranks, so she ended up going through the Army. Right now, she is on a plane on her way to Kuwait. After a while there, she's going to be stationed in Iraq. I don't want her there. Margot sent me an email with a prayer for our troops, complete with pics of tribute scenes (where soldiers have died in combat). I'm wondering why they call them 'troops' in some areas, but never as casualties.... Maybe they do. I just hope Clayr makes it back safe and no different than what she is now.

On a lighter note, Mr. Baby and Nick got tattoos tonight, Mr. Baby's very first ones.
Thing is, he didn't really notice them.....

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Monday, January 08, 2007

If I were Elected President.........

......this would be my platform.


National health coverage for everyone, regardless of income or any other status, except national citizenship. There would be no billing for any medical procedure or prescribed medication. This would cover any surgery, any consultation, any therapy, and any regular checkup for preventative care. Over the counter medications would not be covered by this. Dental, psychiatric, as well as any other cacre where the individual is seen as a patient would be covered.


Retirement would not be alowed to be forced onto individuals, who would be able to draw on their retirement accounts beginning at age 60. People 60 and older would still be allowed to work, without any limits on how much they can earn with any set time. There is no reason people should not be able to draw on their accounts and still work. It's their money, they earned it, and they should not be penalized for having extra income when they want to have it. Those individuals who have devoted thier careers to caring for others, especially in the medical and educational fields, would receive extra benefits upon reaching age 50.


All troops would be withdrawn from war zones in the Middle East. If friendly countries want the US government's aid in training their troops, we will bring those troops over to our soil, train them here, keeping our soldiers safe, and also ready to defend our HomeLand, but still providing high quality training to the Middle Eastern soldiers, as well as food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. The monies saved from bringing our troops back home would be used in other areas, mainly those directly benefitting the American citizenry, such as medical, education, and funds for those in need.


Marijuana would not only be decriminalized, but legalized, with the same restrictioins on its use as there are on tobacco. Other drugs (cocaine, crack, heroine, meth, etcetera) would be still considered contraband, but decriminalized. Instead of incarceration, those individuals who were found in possession of such substances would be bussed to another state, most likely Arizona, where these harder drugs would be legal. Detoxification clinics would fall under medical care and therefore would be covered, and available at all times, staffed with those who have a background in not only the medical sciences but also the psychological sciences. Those wishing to leave at any time would be allowed to do so, without screenings, but only after a search for the harder drugs. Children would be allowed in this area, with childcare facilities free to anyone, at all times. This would reduce any stress levels on parents, provide children with at least adequate care, meals, supervision, age-appropriate education, and playmates. Shelter, food, medical care, and also employment opportunities would be available to anyone within the area, with employment availabe to those who were at least 12 years of age, in age-appropriate positions (childcare assistant, deliveries, cleaning, and so forth for the younger indivinduals, 12-17, especially) in order to continue the economy. Those already residing in the area who do not wish to stay because they do not engage in drug use would be given twice the amount their residence was worth, plus a relocation bonus of $5000 for individuals, $8000 for childless couples, and $12,000 for those with children, individuals or couples.


to be continued

Sunday, January 07, 2007

He woke up pee peed....

Poor Mr. Baby. Let's see what the rest of the day brings him.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

20 minutes my assssssss

Castle slide took over an hour to put together, but he liked it. Then I realized the swing takes up too much room, and took it off while he was watching tv and sitting in my rocking chair.

I decided not to take the dog just yet, which ws ok with the breeder, since her brother is extremely attached to him. I think he's an adorable little dog.

Friday, January 05, 2007

For Thursday, January 4, 2007

For January 4th, 2007

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

goo goo gah gah

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year's Day
