Saturday, March 31, 2007

The van the van the van the van the van the van the van the van..........

We go see the van today...... CJ said she'd buy it from me already. She had her surgery on the day she was supposed to get her car from that freecycler, so they got mad when she was late. Dad said the guy selling it to me just got fired yesterday morning. Now I feel like I am stealing.

Well, we didn't go today, he was busy and both dad and Mr Baby ended up cranky. We'll try tomorrow.

Mr Baby was going around saying 'baby' 'baby' 'baby' today, but I think he meant his singing teddy bear he got from Londa. I found it under the bed, shoved into a drink pitcher, of all places.

Nick saw his mom coming up to the house and unlocked the door and then bragged to her that he hadn't been in trouble at all all day. I didn't have time to go over that with him because she was already there and it's impossible to reason with a re#@)%. It can wait until Wednesday.

Friday, March 30, 2007

He's So Cute!!!

Mr Baby learned how to climb the slide today. He and Aaron were outside playing. Aaron's dad came to pick him up.

Grandma also called today, told me that Aunt Jeanne was asked to move out and get her own place, so she's in the middle of that. But Amanda and Eric are keeping the computer. What a family.....

Later on, Mr Baby let me get some cute pics of him eating and playing with some noodles...... and his sunglasses, which he ended up breaking. Yes, that is his lower lip sticking out under the glasses.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Dentist Appointment today for Mr Baby

His first visit to the dentists, I believe, are Vietnamese, so they should be great with kids. I hope he likes them. I'll be back later to post how it went.

His appointment was with Dr. Gross. He did really well, and the crying pic was because they sat him back in the chair for the pic. Silly mommy, waiting to give the camera to the girl in the office. Afterwards, we got toys next door (and six new toothbrushes). Mr Baby also got a pink hippo for being such a good patient. He also showed them that he knew how to brush his teeth.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Wow!!! Too cool, I love this show. Paralyzed, and buried, damn.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Nice day today too

These have been some really nice days filled with great weather. I can't wait for summer. Wow!!! We are going to have a lot of fun!!!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Fire truck day!!

Mr Baby and Aaron got to see the firetruck today. Aaron was grinning ear to ear whenever the fireman wasn't looking at him. They got coloring books and badges. I forgot the camera, but I got some pics of them afterwards, with their badges.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Uh yeah, ok, I have too many crazies in my life

Sheeesh, some people. I am glad I had Kelly on the phone when this happened. I was in the playroom getting a washcloth for Mr Baby's diaper chaanging, and saw through the window that Kathy and her new hubby were coming up to the house. I got him changed, and then both boys intot he kitchen, and they would not quit banging on the doors, even going around to the back. They were tapping on the windows and looking in. I'm just glad they couldn't see inside.

Really at 2 am........... the next day. wow, just dreamed I was moving, and everyone was moving in with me, i didn't even know most of those people, eddie was there though, have not thought about him for a long timme.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Well, D and M got the truth out of Ashe and Johnny, so M is not mad at me any more. Kathy called me, started in with the 'I don't know what is wrong" bit, and I thought she meant with the cats, who were just neutered by the killer vet, Sunil Gupta (I miss my MoMo, who I have been having nightmares about since she told me that..........) and she actually said "NOOO, get over it already". Uh, hello, I'm the one she cried on the phone to for hours, yes, hours, about her dog when she died, and the kittens who she never got to see because their mommy ran off and had them outside in the winter, and over Whiner............ Uh, yeah, ok, well, at least I know who my friends are.

I took Mr Baby and Aaron outside after Nick left, I didn't realize how nice it had gotten after Nick's mom dropped him off. She was actually nice to me, too, today. I'm wondering what is going on.

Mr. Baby is getting another tooth in, on top of the one I saw yesterday, poor lil guy. I have to find his orajel. It's here 'somewhere', I know it is. It's easier to use than getting four dropperfuls of tylenol in him. Yeah, we don't try the vitamins any more, I just stuck his lil butt on Ovaltine instead. And he likes it. Can't complain too much for a kid that likes chili, asparagus, beans, and even the onions. LOL, but he sure is cute!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mr Baby Has New Tooth!!!

I saw it and snapped the pic. He was mad because Aaron had a tower of blocks that I was taking a pic of him with, and Mr Baby couldn't get the blocks. When opportunity knocks, snap that pic!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Now to get caught up........

Wow, he keeps me busy. So do my classes. I barely have time to sleep.

And for today.......

Mr Baby fell asleep in his swing, silly boy.


And I was doing so good, even though most were blank posts.............

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Friday, March 16, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Monday, March 12, 2007

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Tada!!! This one is for today!!!!!!!!

Ack!!! For yesterday, the 10th of March.....

We went to the grocery store, finally!!!!! Mr Baby was so cute, riding around in the cart.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I feel really sorry for that little black boy's mom on baby first tv, cause I know she was totally mortified when she saw him picking his nose!!!!!!!!!! I know she had to have seen it later on, but why they left it in and didn't cut it I have no clue. Plain as day, the kid was picking his nose.

Mr Baby learned how to open and close his Sponge Bob Square Pants umbrella all by himself today. He's very proud of his accomplishment, too. He's such a cutie pie!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mr Baby is sooooooooooo cute!!!

He kept getting into the potty so I filled a pan with water and let him play with it on the living room floor. He had a blast. Right afterwards, I fed the fish, and let Mr Baby feed them for the very first time. He did really good, too.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


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Monday, March 05, 2007

A cool day today (Monday, March 5th, 2007)

I actually found Mr Baby's Grandma Mast. I have been thinking about her alot, and thought I would look her up today, and there she was, and in the Fort, too. We talked for quite a while, and found that we were saying the same things, which was really cool. She doesn't live too far away, either.

Londa started her first day of work today and didn't talk to me at all. I hope it went well.

I got a belated birthday present from Clayr today. She sent a coffee mug, says Harley Davidson of Kuwait. Very cool. The handle is broken in about four pieces, so I am going to see how the gorilla glue works. She also sent me two letters, one was from before she went to Iraq (I want her back home!!!) and one also had a pressed flower in it. I am hoping there are some seeds in it.

Earlier, Mr Baby decided to throw himself off the bed onto the floor and end my phone call with the financial aid office for me. It's not conducive at all to telephone conversations.

Debbie called me and we talked for a couple of hours. I won a knitting machine onn ebay while we were on the phone.

A lazy Sunday, March 4th, 2007

The kids went back early and then Dave called to tell me he was upset because I didn't tell him that Josh had a fever.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Friday, March 02, 2007