Monday, May 07, 2007

2:27 PM

I woke up today with my shirt off and Mr Baby laying on top of me, smiling at me, ear to ear. Little cutie pie, I wish I could upload images from my minnd. That would be so cool.

Anyways, we woke up and got dressed and walked over to Brownlee's, got some milk and ceral. Mr Baby likes rice krispies, so we got that. Then when we left, he tried walking down the alley (south) so I let him, and we came up on the other side of the garage across the street. He got very upset when I wouldn't let him have a baby sandal we found laying in the parking lot. We finally got home, ate some cereal, and went outside to play. I mowed most of the backyard. Just need to trim it up now.

Later on, we were outside walking aruond and we went over to the Nolan's next door. Mr Baby crawled up the stairs, which took a while, because he was pretending to be shy. He finally got there and played with Mr Nolan for a while. He kept saying kitty and pointing to the inside of the house.

Mr baby let me trim his nails. He's such a cutie pie. :)

Clayr's package weighs in at a bit over 18 pounds. Post office says it will cost $29 something. I think I am going to send it in two priority flat rate boxes instead of just the one. Ouch, but that will be $16.20 instead.

Debbie in California called me a bit after 11 pm, then put the phone down (???) and then hung up on me. (Then when she called back, it didn't ring, and it didn't show a voice mail until the next day. Hello, Verizon???)


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