Thursday, January 31, 2008

Stupid Boot!

Mommy got MrBaby dropped off at his childcare center, and then Mommy left, only to get to the edge of the street, and feel something on the bottom of her left boot. She thought she had stepped in something that was stuck there. No, that would have been too easy. Mommy's boot had broken. The sole had come off, and the toe was underneath the heel part. Mommy got across the street, and took a hair band out of her hair, and stuck it on the boot to hold it on. Mommy got to classes, and after the first class, she was talking to one of the girls in class. Her name is Alison. She works at the childcare center, with the 4 year olds, and she said she would give Mommy a ride to classes from now on, since she leaves the childcare center at the same time Mommy drops MrBaby off. Mommy made it through classes, and all the way back to the childcare center afterwards to get MrBaby (it was VERY cold and windy - there's a winter storm coming in), and we made it all the way home. Mommy went to take her boot off to show MrBaby how her boot broke, and right then and there, the back part of the sole fell off, too. Mommy let MrBaby play with the boots for a while, then she threw them away.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What a Bad Horrible Nasty Icky Long (did I say bad) Day

We went to Wally world to get Josh his contacts. found out that they can only see him on a Sunday, because other than that, there isn't any doctor there with a provider number, so the insurance won't cover it up front, I have to wait for it to reimburse me. One of the guys there, Siege, was very cute. He even told Mommy he was single. :-) Then, my card wouldn't work for anything over 20 bucks, so Josh had to buy his own minutes and headphones. Then it would work, but only for a little bit, but only after trying several times. This is what lead to Mommy getting a fraud report phone call from PayPal that she got when she got home. Then we missed the bus, only to find out that MrBaby had lost his BEAR. We went looking for it, and MrBaby found it, stuffed into the goody section in the first aisle that we went through to get checked out (which didn't happen, because of the card). Then we had to wait for the next bus, and Mommy said let's just get on the earlier bus, and then take another bus home, instead of just going straight home on the number 7. What a day!!!

Play dough, in BLUE!!!!!

Mommy made MrBaby some play dough from the recipe she got from the childcare center. It's BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

MrBaby's Second Day at the Childcare Center

Mommy took pictures today of MrBaby at his childcare center. Then, Mommy left, and walked over to the campus, only time find that her classes had been canceled. She met her friend John and then he took her back to the childcare center early to get MrBaby. He was playing with play dough that they made there at the childcare center. and one of the girls wrote out the recipe for Mommy so she could make more at home. Then Mommy and MrBaby left to go home early. Here are some pictures of MrBaby at his childcare center.

Please don't go to class, Mommy, stay here with me.....

Self picture of MrBaby. Isn't he adorable?

Monday, January 28, 2008

Mommy is feeling much better, yay!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Happy Birthday to Corey!!!

He is 21 today! Mommy tried to call him, twice, but the first time he was asleep still and the second time his roommate said he had already left.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

No birthday party today

Mommy is too sick to have MrBaby's party today, we will try next month, instead.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mommy is feeling better, but still sick

Mommy is not going to go to classes. This is the third absence, so she is hoping that she does not miss any more class.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Appointment at Dr King's Office, with His Nurse Practitioner

Mommy got to be seen, too, and she was given a script for antibiotics and an asthma inhaler..

MrBaby got to do his 24 months checkup and his physical for the childcare center all at the same time. He was not happy with most of the exam. Mommy and MrBaby took a cab there, and then we went to Meijer's to get the scripts filled.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mommy is still sick, and not going to class today

MrBaby is such a sweetie, he sings to Mommy and rubs her back and makes her eat veggies with him.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Mommy is still sick

MrBaby does a lot of singing to Mommy, he is such a sweet baby.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Today is Mommy's 41st Birthday

And she woke up with a fever of 103 degrees. ICKY!!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Last day before Mommy turns 41. We sang songs before going to bed, especially The Green Anaconda song. Mommy loves her silly MrBaby, he is sooooooo precious.

Crystal still has not called Mommy back........

Friday, January 18, 2008

Crystal's been bad.......

She called here about 1:20 am, crying. She's been 'out' and spent all her money. WTF??? $1500. I can't believe it. She got home about 8 am, and Hippie and Garrett want her out.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mr Baby's First Day at the Childcare Center and also about Crystal

Mr Baby went to the CCC today for the first time to be there without Mommy. He was not a happy camper, for most of it. Poor baby. He cried for most of the day, wanting Mommy, especially when another Mommy came to pick up her little girl. One of the girls that is there, Sarah, when Mr Baby is dropped off is also in Mommy's second class. Sarah told Mommy that another girl rocked him to sleep, and then woke up when she tried to lay him down. He was very glad when Mommy came back and got him. He got ready, with no arguing, and tried to take Mommy out the door.

Crystal's been gone since 7 pm last night, and nobody knows where she is.......

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Mr Baby keeps peeing in his potty. Very good baby.

Went and looked at 915 W Washington. Nice, but right across the street from where Grandma used to live. Not sure if I could deal with that, plus the stairs are extremely steep, and there is a halfway house right next door. Bleh..... Will we ever find a nice house here in town? Ever? Waynedale seems out of the question unless I can get out there and look around. They don't want the riff raff from around here moving in there, so they don't advertise in the paper, some places won't even let home owners rent their properties out.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

No school today.....

bnncrn b b b b that was from Mr Baby himself.

No school today because Mr Baby had a fever yesterday, poor guy. I think it was from his shots, but they said maybe, maybe not. We'll go on Thursday.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Mr Baby Has a Fever....

He can't go to the ChildCare Center tomorrow now, and that means Mommy can't go to classes. Poor Mr Baby, and poor Mommy. He was in a good enough mood, and snuck up behind Mommy and tickled her (and did a good job of it, too) by grabbing her under the right ribcage. Sweet little angel baby. Mommy loves you, punkin.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to Aunt Sissie

She is 38 today!!! While Mommy was on the phone wishing her a happy birthday, Mr Baby was in the tub, and he peed in a cup, all by himself. He was straining so hard to pee,he was shaking, silly boy.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

James Hardy

I never thought I'd write anything to do with sports, but here I am, doing just that. Strange things that one's neighbors can cause you to do, I suppose. What do I mean? I'll explain.
I met James Hardy one time, a while back. We didn't talk much, but I had my youngest son with me and he had his son with him, and that is what the conversation revolved around. He was very quiet, and he smiled a lot. I could tell he loved his son and was very proud of him. I don't pay much attention to sports, even when the little boy next door's father plays two major sports, and quite well, but I did notice in the paper last Sunday that he is headed for the NFL. This is a good thing, but it almost didn't happen. If the little boy's mother, Kyra Nolan, hadn't gotten around to telling the truth, James Hardy would have been in jail instead for a crime he didn't commit. The news story regarding how James Hardy had supposedly beat her and the baby, and then stopped her from making a 911 call, was all concocted by Kyra Nolan to get back at James Hardy. I wanted to know why there haven't been any charges pressed on Kyra Nolan for false informing, obstruction of justice,

Aunt Sissie's Birthday is Tomorrow!!!

She will be 38 years old.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Danny tried to get water today

And there wasn't any to get. Valve works wonders. Hoping they don't callin saying I don't have water on.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Mr Baby pee peed in his potty all by himself!!! He just has to work on his aim, lol. Mommy loves you, you little angel baby.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Monday, January 07, 2008

Childcare Center Today

And for yesterday...

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Friday, January 04, 2008

Aww Poopies!

Mr Baby can unlock and lock the deadbolt now. Crap! I'm really going to have to watch it when I go outside, so that he doesn't lock me out. I thought it'd be ok, as long as I locked the deadbolt, so he wouldn't be able to shut the door all the way. I guess not.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Well, dang

I didn't call Gene this morning to make sure he was up and on his way, and I took a shower, taking the phone with me. He dropped Nick off just as I was getting out of the shower. I answered his call, and told him that I wished he'd've called me, because I had just gotten out of the shower, he was earlier than normal, and I wouldn't've wanted him to wait on me, or have to have Nick wait outside in the cold. He interrupted me, and I didn't get the last part in. He told me it was ok, he forgot. That wasn't the point I was trying to make, so I tried to repeat myself, and told him I wasn't upset, and he told me I wasn't the same any more and that I've changed sooooooo much. Well, hello, how would he know? He never lets me say anything to know who I am. LOL

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Ouchies, but He Still Laughed

Mr baby got 'kicked' in the webbles today, by accident. Mr Baby thought it was funny, but Mommy is so sorry, anyways, little guy.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Mr Baby helped Mommy fix waffles!!!