Thursday, July 31, 2008

Monet was at the Park Again Today

Mommy knew she should take her camera, but didn't. MrBaby told Mommy later on that Money isn't his girlfriend any more. Silly baby boy. Mommy loves her cute angel baby so much!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Marketta's Email

About your bike
Marketta Jones
Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 8:02 PM

Hello Lorrianne. I just wanted to let you know when you come outside and don't see your sons bike; it's because Jonnys sister came and got. He did not ask her if he could give it to you. She still wants it for her son. He does not know how to ride at this time. I'll be outside in like 15 min

Strange. I've had that bike for a year now, and all of a sudden, she says she needs it? Sure. You can have it. You can also be glad I don't have my gun permit any more and can't take it out of the house. I'm just glad MrBaby didn't care. Nigel was probably upset, though. Grandma Mast is going to seeif there is a 12 incher at Rosella's house tomorrow for us.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Break in at the Garage, Found when Corey was Here

Mommy went out to the garage to find rabbit skins for Corey, when Mommy saw that someone had broken into the garage and stolen the lawn mower and the good weed wacker. Cop came out, and took the fire extinguisher in as evidence. Where did the fire extinguisher come from? The thief, of course. It's what was used to batter the door down.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Leo's Birthday Today

MrBaby got to eat cake with Nigel and Marquis. He was so happy, grinning ear to ear. Silly baby, so cute, too. He's starting to not like Marquis so much, and then he was warming back up to him, only to have Marquis kick him off the porch. Marquis was in the chair, and MrBaby was going up the stairs, and Marquis shot his foot out, right into MrBaby's chest, and knocked him off the porch, and MrBaby flipped over. Mommy tried to get Marquis to go into the house so she could go check MrBaby's head out for bumps because he had run off back to our house with Nigel, and Marquis started screaming, so Charlene had to come get him. Mommy didn't want to leave him outside by himself. Marketta was coming up the sidewalk and saw what Marquis had done. She made him go inside. When Mommy checked MrBaby's head, no bumps. MrBaby is a hardhead, too, just like the rest of the Kumps.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pictures of the Fort!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Mommy Finished the Fort Today!!!

Pictures coming tomorrow. It was too late to get any decent pictures by the time it was finished. That, and the pool water that we colored GREEN!!!!!!!!!

Almost done with the stuff in the garage, too. Also, about 2/3's is for the orphanage, and a third is for MrBaby and Mommy.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tiger Bit MrBaby Yesterday!

Poor MrBaby, he was trying to pet Tiger when the puppy was eating and Tiger didn't like it and let MrBaby know it.

When we went to the park, Leo walked down with Marquis, who was in their stroller, so MrBaby wanted to go in his stroller, too. Nigel was already there, with Suzanne. Nigel stayed with us, while Leo took Marquis home. They are trying to get him to learn to keep his shoes on when he goes outside. Nigel and MrBaby traded toys. Nigel met Monet, who slapped him for playing with MrBaby, her 'boyfriend'. This might be the last time they get to see each other, because Monet and the other three have been staying at their dad's house, and they are going to their mom's tomorrow. Mommy wishes she would have brought her camera. Mommy got the three older ones and herself, MrBaby, and Nigel all an icy cup. Those are pretty good. YUM!!! Well worth a quarter.

Mommy got the garage a lot more organized, and hopes to get it finished by this weekend. Then it will be a lot easier to have a yard sale on Sunday.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

MrBaby Found a Girlfriend

They played a lot together at the park, her name is Monet, and she is 3. Mommy caught them actually kissing a couple of times, and once, they disappeared at the top of the playground. When Mommy saw MrBaby again, she asked him if they'd been kissing, and he got all red in the face, and shook his head both yes and no. silly boy, he's only 2! Then, when it was time for Monet to leave, MrBaby was hugging her and she was hugging him back, and he tripped over the edging of the playground lot, Mommy told him to not fall on her, so he rolled over, fell on his back, and she fell on top of him. they were still hugging. Mommy asked him if he was twitterpated, and he smiled real big and said 'uh huh!', and then ran off. Monet's sister asked what twitterpated meant, so Mommy told her 'in love, from Bambi'.

When we got back home, Mommy checked the phone and saw that the SPCA had called, so she called them back. They have a cage for Princess kitty. Mommy called Grandma to see if she could take us to the SPCA, and found out that Uncle David had died earlier that morning. He had been working on a van, and it rolled over on him, and killed him. He was only 40 years old. Grandma was getting ready to drive to Ohio, east of Columbus, to go help Uncle David's family.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Computer Problems Today

Marquita borrowed $50 from me, also. Talked to Pam about Bolivia, she sounds very excited for us.

Monday, July 21, 2008

MrBaby is So Wonderful and Sweet

He makes Mommy so happy, just being here,Mommy's lil angel boy.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Nope, No Third Spanking Yesterday

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hoping MrBaby is not Going Three for Three Today

MrBaby is such a little sweetheart. Mommy loves beinghis Mommy, even when he is acting naughtyful.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Lost Verizon Internet Today

Very long day today.
MrBaby got a spanking for pouring chocolate milk all over Mommy's desk and chair, and then splatting in it, all over himself.
Ended up riding the bus for free (Ozone Day) to McMillen Pool, and went to the gas station first. Found a five and two ones in the bathroom on the sink. Turned it in, but the guy said nobody asked for it so I could keep it. Cool. Pool trip isn't going to cost me anything out of pocket,including the swim diaper. We walked there, almost getting hit by a car crossing the street, joy. Glad I took MrBaby in his stroller, for the walk was about a quarter mile long, with no sidewalk, but when we got to the entrance, I called Mom and asked if she could come get us at around 7 PM instead of trying to walk all the way back, and she said yes. We were the only ones there. Pool was closed, except for the baby pool. He didn't want to go in, but I went in, he followed me, then backed up, I went further out, and MrBaby followed me, only to trip on the steps, go face first into the water, and not move. Poor kid. He was there for about three seconds before I pulled him up and righted him. He was screaming. Wanted OUT, NOW!!!!! Wanted Mommy out, too, NOW!!!! Poor baby boy.
After that, I took him into the water park, no go, he hated it. He kind of liked the part where it was barely coming out, but no, he wanted out, OUT, OUT!!!!! So I wrapped him up in the terry blanket and stuck him in the stroller, thinking they'd let me in the deep tank, but no, the filtration was ok, but the Cl was too low, so they said I couldn't. MrBaby said he wanted to go in until we told him that it would dunk him in the deep water.
Then we went over to the play area. He loved it there. Made Mommy very extremely heart attack style nervous, though. He kept going up this slide that was in the shape of an A and about 12 foot tall. He'd go up and then try to climb back down face first, down very shallow steps, that were not very safe. The toe area of the steps, on going up, were under the back of the foot area on step above, instead of regular steps. He played with a little boy named Charles, who was up from Florida visiting his grandma. MrBaby didn't want to leave, though, cried and cried.
Then we came home and got the playground stuff set up in the backyard, where I am moving the fort to, in other words, very tired now. also noticed that the grill and the wheel barrow were gone, so Reggie must have come and picked them up. I wish he wouldn't have dumped the charcoal all in the alley like he did, though.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

MrBaby was Naughtyful

He got a spanking in the bathroom at Golden Corral.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just Sold the Van to a Wonderful Family

Made $500, and that is ok, it's gone, and I can quit worrying about it.

MrBaby 'Broke' My Right Foot Late Last Night


Monday, July 14, 2008

Last Day?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Well, dang

They stuck money on my card. What do you think of that? They did it yesterday, turns out. I didn't check until today, I was so disgusted. Glad I did check, though.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Praying Mantis in Grandma Judy's Bush (722nd Post, BTW)

Can you see the second mantis hiding? He's quite visible in the third picture, if you look for him.

Called the Governor's Office Today

Corey took off with Josh last night, about 1:15 am, and they won't be back for about a week and a half. The computers are backup at the food stamp office, finally, after being down on Tuesday and Wednesday, and I find out that we have to send in Josh's ID, birth certificate, and soc card. The lady told me when we went down on the 25th of June that everything was there, that we could go home. I find out today that no, she didn't have everything. JOSH IS GONE FOR A WEEK AND A HALF, how am I supposed to get his stuff to them? They wouldn't take him off the case, either, unless I could give them an address of where he would be staying at. WTF??? I told her to take us all off and I would restart the whole thing, she said she couldn't do that. I told her thanks, and hung up. That is when I called the Governor's office and I was transferred to another lady, Ms. Dickson, who said she would have them look into it. Not sure what good that would do, but I told her I hadn't had any income since January, so I would have assumed that I would be able to get emergency food stamps. This is bullshit, pure and simple, and now I know that the rumor is true about getting people off food stamps so that company can keep more of the tax money they receive. They're doing it by just not doing anything at all.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Too Adorable.....

MrBaby fell out of bed while Mommy was taking a shower, and he didn't even wake up, silly angel baby boy.

This little boy that moved in where Dora, Jack, and Tim lived at for a while almost ran out in the street today, Kim had to go get him.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Josh took out the garbage *gasp*

yes, he really did, and Mommy didn't even have to tell him, wow!!!!!

Oh, and Devan went to Colorado for vacation, stopped over first to see Josh.

MrBaby made a new friend, a little boy, a year and a half old, named Morgan. He is so cute!!!

Last Day???

If so, Mommy will keep a paper journal instead.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Swingset is DONE!!!!! Yay!!!!!

MrBaby helped a lot, yes he did. Here are some pics. Mommy is glad he likes his new swingset. It took most of yesterday and a good part of today to build.

Mommy doesn't think the slide is going to work, though, but maybe next weekend, if it is still floating around the yard, because MrBaby sure does like it a LOT! That would mean making at least two side rails for the table, and using the table as the platform, after getting the legs off the slide (which is what MrBaby was doing in the last two pictures above), but they are stuck tight.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Fourth of July, Everyone!

Here are some pictures of the project we started today, but didn't finish.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Corey was Just Here

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Grandma's Going to Get MrBaby's Nose

Tuesday, July 01, 2008