Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mommy Still Feels Bad about Chewie

And probably always will, even though it's all over, that was a lot of bad energy, he was probably really mad at Mommy, crying for her like that, no wonder Gene has had nothing but bad luck with this house. And now he wants Mommy to listen to him again, and blames that she didn't on us breaking up. Mommy thinks he needs some cat creams to set him straight.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pulled Stuff Back Out of the Garage Today

Also took Mommy's exam last night, hoping for a good score. Mommy studied her butt off for it.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Mom Gave Me $100 Today...

And then we went to Walmart and Aldi's, then she dropped me off and went out to Uncle Joe's in Ohio.

The FIOS is back on, Gene helped me set it back up. Cool. Now I can watch my lectures, and MrBaby can watch youtube again!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Grandma Judy Said the Same thing

Duane was just scared Mommy was going to sue them.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

MrBaby Fell at Brownlee's Today....

Walking through the store with a bag of cookies. They all said he was running. No, not this time, the one time he wasn't running, he trips. Mommy thinks it was the cord under the rug, and that is what MrBaby said, too. Duane, of all people, kept telling MrBaby that he was a 'bad boy' for running in the store, even followed us out of the store to tell him that at least twice more, making MrBaby cry even more. When he woke up from his nap, he did it crying, from a bad dream, saying he was a 'bad boy', and when Mommy told him no he wasn't, that he was a good boy, he actually smacked Mommy in the face, and said 'see? bad boy!' Mommy finally had to yell at him and tell him he was a good boy and only Mommy could say if he was bad or good and nobody else could say it. He told Mommy he didn't want to go over there any more to Brownlee's. When is that gas station ever going to open up? I told Leo about it, and he said I should sue, just for GP. Said I should go over there and take pics of the mat and cord set up, and maybe even get them inspected and shut down. I'm not into all that. I'm more mad that Duane, as a friend, would say that to MrBaby, especially when he was hurt like that. I told him they'd just end up calling CPS on me if I sued, he said for what, I said anything, they could make anything up. When when when is the Marathon going to open up? When???????????

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Paid Gene Another $450 Today

Owe him $50 until Early February, 2009, now. Mommy found out he is on vacation. He drove by earlier in the day with theresa. He waved, she glared. Mommy waved back.

MrBaby went around and showed everyone his new haircut. Everybody said it looked really good. Wanda said, it was impossible to botch hair like his, though, lol. Wanda must be feeling pretty good.

Coryfish died late last night, so we buried him today in the front south part. Mommy then cleaned out the entire tank (yay) and kept the three zebra fish in a gallon sized pickle jar. Took all day, wow, but now it is done. All the plants disintegrated because of the amount of hadasnail that Mommy put in the jar with the plants. They had snail eggs on them all over the place, adn when Mommy went to go put the plants back in the tank, she noticed that all the snail eggs had blown up. EEEEWWWWWIIIIIEEEE

Monday, September 22, 2008

MrBaby Got His Haircut

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Johnny Appleseed Festival

MrBaby's third year, too. I am sooo tired. We got to IPFW, and had to walk over the bridge to the Festival itself, and then, this year, even though I've never done this part before, we went down the big hill (you can kind of see in the pic of the big white tents) so MrBaby could go play games and win prizes in the children's area. He's got really good aim for as young as he is.

Then, when we got done doing that, we had to walk all the way down the length of the park so we could get back up. The incline was just too steep anywhere else, and it made it impossible to climb backup. We went all the way down to the dock area. And then it was still a climb. I pulled his stroller backwards just to get him up it.

He had a lot of fun, though. At first he was scared and refused to get ready to go to the 'great big party', he said 'too many people, and strangers are there.' I kept telling him it was ok, he just had to stay with Mommy, that he would get toys, which he got one flute. A lot of the time, it seemed I was trying to get him to a bathroom, only to hear him say he didn't have to go any more.

We got corn on the cob, his was free because I asked for a baby sized one, and they don't charge for those, but it was full sized, because they didn't have any baby sized ones, and a pound of chocolate fudge. He also got two baby pumpkins, and two little gourds. For the prizes on the games, he got a tootsie roll, two gum balls (which he dropped on the ground) and a very sour piece of candy that he ended up not liking so he gave it to me, a beaded necklace (three beads) and an apple necklace.

I'm thinking we should go again tomorrow, it's supposed to be cooler, and I love that festival, but I am so incredibly tired. I didn't get to go to all the places I wanted to go, since we got a late start and had to leave earlier than we planned. I ran into my sister, too, right after we got our fudge. She was getting some too. Ohhh, that fudge is wonderful. If I go again tomorrow, I'll be getting some more.

In the pics below, I took another one of him next to the big rock. He has grown! Lil stinker! He still does not like the bagpipes, though, but he does like to look at those horses pulling the cart.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

MrBaby Had His Portrait Sketched at Weisser Park Today

Ellis (Mommy thinks that is what he said his name was) drew it for MrBaby. He drew it as he thinks MrBaby will look when he is about four years old. We'll see. He had lots of other sketches with him, all very good, but I didn't have the subjects there to compare, either. Earlier, we were inside the community center and MrBaby played with the pool tables, Mommy tried to shoot some pool, but they have some really funny sticks. MrBaby kept running around an orange cone, too, he had so much energy. Mommy ended up with a headache. Before that, MrBaby drew his first piece of graffiti on the slide (Mommy did her own, not sure how it will work out, though), and then we found a heart earring with cubic zirconia in it, very pretty. Mommy took the ear part off of it, though. Icky!!! And before we went to the park, Mommy made MrBaby a tshirt transfer and ironed it on, it has the alphabet on it in different colors, with a happy face. Mommy hopes it washes well.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Erin/Ashley/Summer's Birthday!!!

Mommy tried to call her, but she was already out having fun. Hopefully, she will call and let Mommy know how much fun she had.

MrBaby and Mommy went to the park, and a BEE landed on Mommy's left foot, on her toes, and she tried to get it off, but it got stuck in her flip flop, so she had to smack the flip flop on the step until it got unstuck. This was right after this guy walked by Mommy, then climbed up to the top of the jungle gym to sit behind her. Creepy. We left right after the bee got unstuck. Mommy said she couldn't study with bees trying to get her. When we got home, Josh was already here, and he let MrBaby watch videos in his room.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mommy Feels Better

But always stay away from the zinc. Bleh, that was horrible.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mommy Has Zinc Poisoning!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Bad Day at the Park

Monday, September 08, 2008

Our Praying Mantis that We Stole from Princess

MrBaby busted His Lip at the Park Today

Poor baby. He finally let Mommy take two pics. Then we went over to see Tiger Puppy.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Ashe got to Visit Today for a Couple of Hours

Oh, need to tell Leo...

Saw Shelly on the bus yesterday, on our way out to the college. She got off at the apartment complex down Hanna.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sisser FLUNKED Her Spanish Exam....

And can't come stay the weekend now. Joshie went with Mommy and MrBaby to IPFW so Mommy could print out Mommy's school papers....

Friday, September 05, 2008

Going to IPFW, hopefully....

Plus Mommy has to get a money order for the steripen....... $89, wow!!!! It better work PERFECTLY!!! Mommy has to get special batteries for it, too.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Monday, September 01, 2008

Way Cool!! Joe Beckstedt Stopped Over Today

MrBaby got to hear all kinds of stories about when Mommy was a little girl and Joe was a little boy, after Joe left. Joe said his son Justin is almost 13 now. Wow!!!

Later on, Dave came over and went to Family Dollar for Mommy. After he left, Mommy and MrBaby were sitting out on the front porch and Grandma Judy's tree BROKE!!! Mommy grabbed MrBaby and we ran over there and tried to get the branch up in the yard. It was very heavy. A guy on a bike came by and helped Mommy get it in Grandma Judy's yard. MrBaby was being very good and was sitting down on the walkway step. Such an angel baby!! Dave called a while later and asked if he could borrow some money because his landlord said he was cracking down on everyone for non-payment of the rents, so he had to come up with more. Mommy said he could have what was in MrBaby's bank box. Dave said he would bring it back over tomorrow.