Sunday, June 28, 2009

Change in Schedule

We're going to start going to the park on a fairly daily basis so MrBaby can eat lunch with the other kids. Not sure when it is, but if I remember it right, it's from noon to 1 PM, so we'll be leaving here about 12:45 Monday through Friday. We should be back home around 2 to 2:30 each day. He's hoping to be able to see his girlfriend Monet. Leo said Marketta is most likely taking Nigel and Marquis to the Y near Eden Green and they have the lunch program there, too. He said to tell Crystal to NOT move in there, they are getting so bad, they are messing with the cops and shooting at them, their cars, and the station itself.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Come on Josh, Damn!

Can't seem to get through his head that he needs to get this crap done. He said he had time. I told him no, you don't have time, you're running out of it, and fast, too. Explained it could take the school a month to get his diploma to him after the paperwork gets there. Just so disgusted with this topic, I just told him I wasn't going to worry about it any more and he could end up on the street giving bj's to guys in dark alleys so he'd be able to come up with the rent money, for all I care. He was like, jeeez mom, it's not that bad! Ok, go find out for yourself, Josh, cause honestly, I give up. I have too much stuff to worry about besides that, like coursework, packing, moving, grad project, Bolivia, physician screening for trip, shots, the cat, and on and on and on.............. I'm out of here on the 30th of August, and he needs to be out of here no later than the beginning of the month, so he needs to get this paper done and turned into me because it needs graded, credit given, credit transferred, diploma printed, diploma given/mailed, processing through the Navy, and he's only got one month to do all that in. I can't go around worrying about him, it's going to throw what I need to concentrate on off, and I need to work on my own stuff, not his. I've done all I can do for him. 4:06 am, have to go to bed, gah, falling asleep here writing this.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Moving Crew Possibilities

kathy doesn't think she'll be able to work this out with me, so here goes with some other people who might be able to help out. This is a short list, though, just off the top of me head.

andy, bj (if i can find him and liz isn't too weirded out), eddie, maybe even danny and antonio from next door. Gah, gene's run off all my friends, will have to go through the old address book.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Last post was sent by email

Fw: RE: Sharia

Not sure if the attachments will go through though, or not.  Never know.  We'll see.

--- On Mon, 6/22/09, LorriAnne Rae Kump <> wrote:

From: LorriAnne Rae Kump <>
Subject: RE: Sharia
To: "CindyKump" <>
Date: Monday, June 22, 2009, 12:35 PM

Dear Cindy,

This is on not just Kuwait, but also Jordan and Saudi Arabia.  I think you were just looking at Kuwait at the time you wrote the email below, but the paper is supposed to be about:

From: James Lutz <>
Subject: Re: Paper topic
Date: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 4:47 PM

The general topic sounds good, and I think that Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Jordan
would provide a good basis for comparison.


>>> LorriAnne
Rae Kump <> 11/15/08
3:18 PM >>>
Dear Dr. Lutz,
I would like to do a paper regarding sharia law, women voting, and democracy,
and how they interact, and affect their corresponding society as a whole. I do
not know which country (or countries) I should focus on, though, and I don't
know if a comparison paper regarding these attributes would work for Kuwait,
Jordan, and/or Saudi Arabia. Please let me know your thoughts on this.

Thank you,

Gah, I dunno why I put all three in therein the original email, but I think it'll be more thorough with three than what it would've been with only two. 

I sent you the syllabus and his paper guidelines with this email.  Any possibility that you can save them for me in a word perfect format?  I can't do anything with these in this format.  Please please please.  I have some errands to do in about an hour, but I'll be back late this afternoon or early evening.

Thanks so much,

--- On Mon, 6/22/09, Kump, Cindy <> wrote:

From: Kump, Cindy <>
Subject: RE: Sharia
To: "'LorriAnne Rae Kump'" <>
Date: Monday, June 22, 2009, 10:28 AM

I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote what you refer to in your PS. It makes no sense! Here's what I should have said.  J


The parenthesis indicates similar terms. If you type in




. . . you are telling the database to retrieve articles with the terms sharia and women OR articles with the term gender.  You want to set up the search this way:



This is telling the database you want articles with the term sharia and EITHER women OR gender.


Does that make sense?


I just did a quick search on on Sharia and Kuwait and the most recent stuff was from 2006. Can you tell me more about what you heard recently?


I'll poke around a bit and see what I can find. You will probably need to use the public library though. Even if you can't check out books you can use them in the library. Bring change with the copier!



Cindy Kump, M.L.S.
Public Services/Reference Librarian

From: LorriAnne Rae Kump []
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 2:12 AM
To: Kump, Cindy
Subject: Re: Sharia


Dear Cindy,
I still need help on this.  I took an incomplete, remember?  I have until the middle of August, that way it doesn't effect his current classes any more than necessary.  Do you think you can help me find some information, including news sources, because if I remember right, some of this was changing over the past few months.  Let me know.



PS:  You wrote "either women or gender. If you don't use the parenthesis you will get articles with sharia, women, or, and gender."  Which did you mean, 'or' or 'and' in the last four words?  I can suck at academic searching, but seem to come up with really good results through Google.  Go figure.

--- On Thu, 11/13/08, Kump, Cindy <> wrote:

From: Kump, Cindy <>
Subject: Sharia
To: "'LorriAnne'" <>, "'LorriAnne Rae Kump'" <>
Date: Thursday, November 13, 2008, 11:42 AM



Not finding a lot on Kuwait and Sharia. I tried looking in Academic Search Premier just for sharia and got a lot of hits. There were a few articles about trying to reconcile sharia with gender issues, women's rights, etc., so I searched on sharia and (women or gender). I still got 82 hits. There are also some books at ACPL on sharia-those might be helpful. I haven't looked at IPFW's library.


The parenthesis are important when you search. That indicates that you are looking for articles with sharia and either women or gender. If you don't use the parenthesis you will get articles with sharia, women, or, and gender.


I think the gender issues and sharia would be interesting. It's a current topic too.


That's all I've got for now but maybe I'll think of more when you send me the syllabus, etc.


Gotta go, talk to you later.


Cindy Kump, M.L.S.
Public Services/Reference Librarian
University of Saint Francis
260-399-7700 ext. 6056

"Getting information off the internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant." -Mitchell Kapor





Saturday, June 20, 2009

Just, for some reason...

feeling extremely 'off' tonight, cranky, and yes, understand why, but not why. This requires some consideration and thought. Is this an attitude problem, is this normal, as far as 'normal' goes, that is, or is there work to be done? Understand why the feeling exists, but knowing why the environment exists that helped nurture those feelings, well, shouldn't that diminish the feelings, maybe even eliminate them altogether? Cause the knowledge and understanding of the problem isn't doing either. Ok, that's weird cause posting did do some good, just not sure how long that is going to last. Hopefully it's permanent. Going back to bed. Strange that something was bugging me that strong, and then come across this: June Solstice (Summer Solstice) is on Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 1:46 AM in Fort Wayne. In most locations north of Equator, the longest day of the year is around this date. This would have been when I was debating writing what I wrote, which I decided to do. Strange, honestly. Wonder how Crystal and BJ are feeling?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Dr King's Office Today

Nurse said MrBaby could come in today, at 3:45, so guess we've found what we're doing for today. Yay, right around nap time, too. At least we can get our referrals to the international medicine doctor.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Eleven Years Ago, in 1998...

This is the same day that we went camping at Pony Town, Ashe zipped herself up in a tent bag and scared herself half-witless because she couldn't get out and I laughed so much I almost peed myself right there and then, even though she was so mad she was spitting. I think it was partially relief because I couldn't find her anywhere, only hear her, and I had thought she had fallen into a pit somewhere. Seeing the tent bag sit up out of a pile of stuff on the ground, that was pretty funny, too.

This also means that in a week, it'll be 11 years since my mother got her way and jerked all three of them away from me, with me not seeing the youngest two for almost four years.