Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

Ouch!!! Mr. Baby either fell (which I didn't hear - I was downstairs when this happened and he was upstairs) or ran into something hard. He has a red area on his face, with bruising underneath. Trying to get a picture of it, too. Weird thing is that it was black at first, and then disappeared, then came back, only smaller, then went away, then came back, only bigger. I wish it would make up its mind.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Mr. Baby is such a cutie pie.....

He woke up in such a good mood today. All smiles. I think he realy likes the new bed, he has slept all through the night both last night and the night before, from at around 9 or 10 pm until at around 7 am, only waking up to nurse, but not play.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Shots today!!!

Poor Mr. Baby got FIVE SHOTS today!!! FIVE!!! Two in each leg and one in his right arm. Before all that, he got poked in his big toe on the right foot to test for lead. I hope he has a zero on that. He was great with that poke, but he cried with the needle sticks for the shots. Poor guy.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I need to get caught up again, I guess

I rearranged the living room last night, and am working on the rest of it. So far, Mr. Baby likes the bed and how it is set up.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

One month until Corey's birthday

He will be two decades old. w00t w00t!!!!!!!! He's turning into an old man, heeheehee.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Day after Christmas

Placeholder, damn, I am sooooooooooo tired...........

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Morning


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve


Saturday, December 23, 2006

He BIT me!!!!!

Mr. Baby thought he was biting down really hard on the toilet paper roll he had absconded, but it was my FINGER (pinky on the left, to be exact) that he was chomping on. He actually broke the skin, but it never bled. I'm wondering if that is bad or good.... I put neosporin on it, though, after washing it with alcohol wash.

Later, T calls me to let me know that she is coming to get Nick right after work, so I call G and he says no, she is supposed to go home and take a nap and even asks Nick if he wants to go to the party, which he says he does. G calls T back, T calls me back, crying that she is sorry and was told be G that she is supposed to be nice to me all the time (is there a reason why she isn't supposed to be nice? hello?) and that she is supposed to leave Nick there until G tells her she can go pick him up because she can't do anything right, and please do not tell G that I called you, on and on and on........ Why can't things go nicely any more these days?

I told Nick to keep a certain puzzle in the play room, but as soon as my back was turned, he snuck it back out into the living room. When I asked him if that was the puzzle I had told him to keep in the play room, he said yes. I asked him if he thought I wanted it back in the play room, and he said yes, again. I said then you should take it back in there, and he just stared at me, then kept on playing with it. I asked him if he had heard me, and he said yes. I told him he needed to take it back it there, but he just looked back down at the puzzle. That's when I yelled at him to get it back in that room, to not bring it back out, and to start listening to me better. Nick told me that his mom does not want him to listen to me, but his dad says he is supposed to follow the rules.

When G showed up to get my money for the 'sparkling wine' (can't call it champagne unless it is actually from Champagne, France, bleh and heh), Nick tells him that he wanted his mommy to come get him instead, so G told him to just stay there, took the money, told him to calm down and that he would be back. (I didn't bother telling G about what Nick had said about his mom, though.) Nick starts bawling as soon as G shuts the door, I told him he needed to stop that, that it was bad enough he hurt his dad's feelings by saying he didn't want him, and that he'd be right back, he started screaming that he wanted his dad back, I told him his dad went to the liquor store to get aunt Lorri something for her mom's and he (Nick) could not go into the liquor store so he had to stay with me until his dad got back. That only made his scream more. I honestly do not understand this kid at all.

Friday, December 22, 2006

w00t w00t

Mr. Baby has found his belly button!!!!!

Birthday Thursday, December 21, 2006

We were so busy and then so tired, we didn't get to post on Mr. Baby's actual birthday. I got lots of pics, and some videos, too. He had a great day, but he was more interested in the people, especially Zachary, than he was in the presents. He doesn't seem to be too interested in opening them, but I am sure that would change if they were tucked away somewhere, and he did not have an audience. He was too busy being a cutie pie to open them.

Before everyone came over, he pooped, and I went to take his diaper off, and put him in the tub. He has poop hanging between his legs. He has swallowed one of my hairs!!! I'm on the phone with Kathy, who assures me he is going to be ok, that it happens all the time, but I still want to call the doctor's office. So, I call the doctor's office and talk to the nurse, who is laughing at me, saying he is going to be ok, that it happens all the time. I swear, sometimes I feel sooooooooooooo much like a first time mom. But every time he cries or grunts funny, I'm like, 'what's wrong?', and he's already pooped again since I called. Ahhh, the things that can go wrong on a kid's birthday.

Before all of that, Gene took me to go get the cake......

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Last day for Mr. Baby to be under a year old

He's grown to a year old so fast, I wish I could relive it, like check out a day here or a day there, like books in the library, or to browse thru the memories like books on the stacks. ~sigh~ He'll never be as li ttle as he is today, never again. Little munchkin is kicking my arms while i type. Little lap napper has awoken, LOL.

I measured him early in the day, and he is 28 and 3/8 inches tall.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Sweet baby

Mr. Baby is so cute. We just stayed at home and as I cleaned, he messed things up behind me. LOL We're never going to have the house ready for the party on Thursday night.

Monday, December 18, 2006

How did I ever get so lucky???

He is such an angel baby!!! Here is Mr. Baby doing an impression of Santa Clause.

Here he is playing with his taplight.

Laying here thinking...

I have those ornaments from Londa to put on the tree, too. And I thought I was done witht he tree. I have to wrap presents, too. I almost can't wait for Christmas to be over, lol.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Lazy Sunday

We went over to Brownlee's to get oranges and 'baby marshmallows'. He loves both!
Then Mr. Baby got to walk halfway around the block, and did quite well. He knows to watch the cracks because that is where the sidewalk might have a little step. Then we came home and he went right to sleep.

Well, he woke up and decided to eat some more oranges. This is one pic I took. I guess he hit a sour spot. LOL

I also found the pics that I first took of the tree, that I thought were deleted by my mean, cruel, evil computer. They decided to show up after the computer shut down and I restarted it. Here they are:

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas Tree

We got that stupid stinking tree up. I had to take a plumber's wrench to it. Sheeesh. But it's up.

Mr. Baby also decided it would be cool to try to eat the glitter glue, and ended up looking like a glitter baby.

For December 15, 2006

We went to see LaVonya today, then went to Family Dollar. We got balloons for Mr. Baby's birthday party, and also got a musical butterfly and a SpongeBob SquarePants umbrella for early Christmas gifts. We got home, and I gave Mr. Baby a small orange balloon, blown up, and he popped it in about 3 minutes. Silly baby.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

w00t w00t


Ouch!!! Princess Kitty got her paw pinched in the bathroom cabinet door. Poor baby kitty pooh.....

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

lazy day

But I posted it on the same day, cool.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

IPFW trip.....

We went out to the college today too late to meet Jerry, but Elaine liked him, she said he waited for an hour before he left. She said he was really nice, too, and very clean cut. I sent him an email, but he has yet to read it. I'll call him tomorrow. He has to pick up the book he ordered for Logan soon, so maybe we can meet up then and have lunch at Subway.

I got Mr. Baby's birthdya invitations printed off, got home, and realized that the ones for the adults are wrong. I printed out 30 copies of the wrong invitation. They'll still work, but dang.

I put Mr. Baby's swing up today. He didn't like it at first, fussed because I was drilling holes. Then I put the hooks in, and he didn't like that. But when I put the swing up, and stuck him in it, his little face lit up. He started to fuss in it when I took a video, but he quit and went back to smiling when I started pushing him again.

The boys' letters from Santa came in today. Dora came over so I gave her Aaron's for him. Just before she came over, about ten pm, I got a call from some survey place. This was about 9:45 PM. I told them they were calling pretty late. The woman told me they were allowed to call until 10 PM on the dot. I don't believe that, so for next time when they call with their "unknown caller" crap on my caller ID, I'm going to have some codes down. Stupid people. Sheeeeesh!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday Monday.......

Mr. Baby actually let me change his poopy butt instead of fighting me about it. What an angel baby!! He also had his first grilled cheese sandwich, and he liked it, too!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006


let's see what today has brought us...

Aaron spent the night last night, which Mr. Baby likes a lot.

Friday, December 08, 2006


For today, the 8th

Mr. Baby has learned how to climb up on the couch by himself!!!!! He isn't too bad at getting down, either, goes feet first, forward, even, til he touches the ground with his toes, then falls on his butt. My newborn isn't a newborn anymore. Fascinating how they change. Adorable, too.

For yesterday, the 7th

College trip, delayed buses, ouch, very cold, Mr. Baby's first snow!!!! Moreon tis one later, others are pretty up to date now. Still have to get previous posts written out.

For Wednesday, the 6th

Ohhh, lazy day, cleaned a lot, didn't go any where.

For Tuesday, the 5th

Aaron spent the night last night, had Nick until about 12:30 am. When Aaron's mom and her bf came to get him, her bf was being mean to him so she stayed inside after her bf went out to the truck.

For Monday, the 4th

Had Nick and Aaron today, Nick acted up really bad, then tried to get a popsicle stick back by saying he'd been good all day. I pointed out to him that what he does at school doesn't count for time spent at my house, he still has to have all five popsicle sticks, and he's down to three now, if he wants to go to the party. I also pointed out to him that 1. I do want him to be able to go or I wouldn't have rearranged the date so he could go, and 2. he had only been at school that day, no time with his mom or anything. He was so wound up, couldn't quit running back and forth thru the house, so I had hm walk back and forth 15 times. He tried running them instead. I really feel for his teacher, but you can't blame a kid when he's like that after what he's been thru with his mom.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Birthday parties for Mr. Baby

Ok, got it all figured out. We are having the adults party on his actual birthday, at 5-8 pm, and then the kids' party at 1-2:30 pm on the day he came home from the hospital, two days later. The things a mom will do to keep it so certain rude people won't be able to attend........


Mr. Baby can walk backwards!!! I think he surprised himself. He is soooo adorable.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Today and Tomorrow

That's all I have left to do on my assignment, and then I have three weeks off before the next semester begins. When Monday hits, I can work on updating this blog.

Friday, December 01, 2006

For today...


For Yesterday, November 30, 2006

I have no idea how I did it, but I ended up getting an email from my prof wherehe tells me I am not supposed to be doing the third assignments for either class, and he wants my paper next week. This is from an email sent a week ago (Friday), making the paper due *now*. I called him in a panic, and he said don't worry about the paper, just do the assignment as it is, since I had already started the third in the second class, and had already done the third one in the first class....... but hadn't started the paper yet. Bummer, I even bought the three books he recommended to me for the paper, too. He said he told me to not do the third ones about two months back. How do I forget these things?????

Ouch, Nick somehow knocked Aaron down onto the hardwood floor, made Aaron cry. Nick said he doesn't know what happened because he didn't see it. ~sigh~ His dad talked to him though, and we think he jerked the toy out of Aaron's hands so fast that he threw Aaron off balance.