Friday, August 31, 2007

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Flea Drops

We got to see Clayr

But only for a few minutes today, about 10 am. Tim woke me up at 2 something am, and I didn't get back to sleep until about 6 am....... He was back at 4 am, too, but I didn't answer the door. I also called Northside and they have not called back yet, but then again, it's only been an hour. I guess it takes a while to check to see if all the paperwork has arrived from Norwell.

Well, i called back a bit after 3 pm, and the woman said, well, you already talked to her today. I said no, I talked to someone else. She said Ms. Case came down and got Josh's folder, and she thought she had given me a call right after, I'll transfer you to her phone and you can talk to here. I got voice mail. And NO phone call back. I did record it, though.

Next door neighbor saw me yesterday with the tractor and trailer (Mr Baby calls them TEC and Tommy, LOL) and said I must be drinking the home brew. Mr Baby's wiggle car came. He can actually push me on it. He's so strong. Leo just doesn't know what to think of me sometimes, poor guy, LOL.

Monday, August 27, 2007

FedEx and DirecTV

Sent out package to DirecTV via FedEx, package ID number 119.

Ant farm for Mr Baby (in a jar), and we also got several bees in a jar, just prior to that.

Please don't laugh at me too much, but here are some pics I twisted Josh's arm to get, or at least he acts like I am twisting his arm, of me pulling Mr Baby in his new tractor and trailer set.

Here is one I took of the moon. If you look very closely at it when it is blown up (I'll put a betterimage on here soon), you can see it's a horned moon, but not the typical crescent shaped. these horns are at the top. I've never seen anything like it before. Looked it up and couldn't find anything.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Clayr is here!!!!!!!!!!!

And Corey got lost, oooops!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007


I found a bruise on Mr Baby's leg, behind his left knee on the outside. I asked Nick if he did it and he said yes cause he pinched him cause Mr Baby hit him with a toy. I told him to keep his hands to himself or I was going to charge his dad $50 for each bruise or red mark he left on Mr Baby from now on. Then again, I told him later on, after he fell down from running in the house and he was laying down, that maybe he should just go to the Mexican lady that offered to watch him over down the street from him. He didn't like either idea, though, so I told him he's going to have to keep his hands to himself. No exceptions. He's getting much too rough with Mr Baby and leaving too many marks on him. I should have told Nick this when he punched Mr Baby in the diaper area a month ago, to be honest. Sometimes, I am just way too patient.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Monday, August 20, 2007

School's IN!!!!!!!

Now I can take Mr Baby to the park and not have to worry about a bunch of cussing 8 year olds. w00t w00t!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Parade!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Birth Certificate Run for Josh

Little kitties and farm animals for Mr Baby. he likes to dump them on the floor. I don't want to step on them, though, so I keep picking them up, LOL.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mr Baby's Bug

Last night, we found a cicada, so we put it into a jar. In the morning, we found it had come out of its shell. Mr Baby wanted to take it out of the jar and play with it, but I said NO WAY. Josh said the same thing, he didn't want to even look at it. Here is a picture or two of it....

And here is a pic of one someone else took a few years ago. It looks exactly like the one we have.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Check came

Bought $180-something in Avon on credit, but christmas shopping is done for Ashe and GM, and Aunt Sissie, too. Got Ashe's birthday done, also.

Mr Baby is doing really well with his blocks and his shape sorter. He built a tower with the wooden blocks that was taller than what he is the other day.

We went to the park the other day and he acted like he was afraid of the slide, wouldn't go down by himself on his butt, only on his tummy. I can't wait to get started on his jungle gym and fort. I have all these plans in my head, and nobody to stop me. I am hoping I don't make too many mistakes, LOL. I want it to be cute and very unique.

I called a place today that sounds real good about helping people get into their own house, but then they 'kinda' changed thier story. I say 'kinda' because they didn't say they personally didn't do it that way, yadda yadda yadda, but that the 'other guy' didn't do things like what I was describing. so much for -0- down, right?

I've been working on a genealogy tree. Yay. Here is the link: Link to genealogy tree. So far I have gotten a fraction of Mr Baby's grandma's side down. This is not going to be one of those weekend projects. Not at all. I have found one guy who appears to have two mothers, cousins who married, and people from Sweden who don'tinherit either of their parents' surnames. Great.

It has been a week and a day since we have seen Nick. Every time I ask when he is coming back over, they get shitty with me. Moving and not telling them is starting to become more and more the right thing to do. Pawpaw is going to take me to go cash my check tomorrow so I am going to see if he will either take me over and just drop me off around where Kendra lives at, or actually drive me around over there and check the area out for houses for rent (phone numbers).

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sunday, August 12, 2007

What a Day, WOW!!!

First off, it is Mr Baby's Pawpaw's birthday. Mr Baby, Corey, and Mommy were out walking very early in the morning because nobody could sleep. Corey took Mr Baby down to see the street light. He was tossing him up in the air, when Mr Baby flipped his little legs out, and turned upside down!!! Talked about having a heart attack. Mommy about had one. Leo was up and he saw it, too. This was around 3 am. He came out of the house and was like 'woooo-eeeee'. We went back home and tried to get some sleep. That didn't happen until almost 6 am, though, and then Judy came over and knocked onthe door until corey answered it, waking up Mr Baby (who had almost gotten to sleep), then she left and came back a bit later, which really woke up Mr Baby. Mommy was sooooooo tired and she thought Mr Baby's brothers were up with him, so she laid back down adn went to sleep. Ah ha!!! Mommy is asleep, is what Mr Baby was thinking, so he gently pulled Mommy's glasses off her face and hid them in Josh's room (who was actually asleep), and then he quietly climbed up on top of Mommy's chest next to the fishtank, and did what he had been patiently waiting to do for the longest period of time: Throw all the fish equipment in to the tank!!! He topped this off by throwing a good 2/3's of his wooden blocks in after the fishnet. Now, would Mommy notice??? Hmmm.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Park Time

Friday, August 10, 2007

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


But at least when I die, I am sure I will still have my pants on. Happy birthday, Bob. LMAO, hehehehehehe. I don't know which is funnier, knowing that I found out about it all, or when you had the shits and the puking at the same time. That was pretty funny.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Monday, August 06, 2007

Corey's Accident

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Constipation (poor Mr Baby)

He finally pooped, it looked like one of his wooden blocks (cylinders). Poor kid. He didn't know what to do but cry. No more cheese for him for a few days.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Yard sale

Friday, August 03, 2007

Sentences and Lies

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Nick smacked Mr Baby three times today, said each was an accident. When i told him that three in one day was a bit much and that I didn't believe him, he said, well, what did I say the others were? I told him if he quit lying so much and told the truth, then all he';d have to do was remeember what actually happened. Crimeny.