Monday, April 30, 2007

Awww, he is such a sweetheart

He made me fall asleep, about 7 pm. When I woke back up, I fed him some sardines, then went to the bathroom. Well, he started screaming and pointing at the window next to the bed. I had hung his two halloween ghosts outside the window so he could see them in the daytime, a few days ago, and he saw them bumping into the screen thru the glass, it freaked him out. I told him that was a very good baby boy to come and tell mommy he saw something in the window, and he started clapping his hands. He is soooooooooo cute.

Earlier, he got upset with Theresa cause she came over without Nick. He kept going to the door looking for him.

When I was putting pajamas on Mr Baby, he started pattingm e, which he has done for a couple of weeks now, and said over and over again, 'mamamamama', smiling hte whole time. Such a cutie pie.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Eeeew, yay!!! Bleh........

I have tonsilitis, on one side, my right side feels like it has stuff stuck in it, like I swallowed fingernail clippings (no, I really didn't, LOL) and the pointy ends got stuck in my tonsil, gah, I thought I was over this when I hit 30, sheeesh.

Mr Baby had one of his little night terrors last night. Nick spent the night, and they didn't go to bed until about 1:30 am. LOL, Rakzor went to bed before they did. I was back up a bit later, worked on my 'personal motto' asignment for that ethics class, and then Mr Baby decided to have his spell. Poor kid. I sang the 'walking walking, walking walking, seems so easy now, but I remember when I was small and I did not know how, walking walking.....' song to him, andhe finally fell asleep on top of me, then rolled off of me. Poor little guy.

Friday, April 27, 2007

I am so lucky to have such a little sweetheart baby!!

Nick came over to spend the night. Mr Baby wants his pillow. Real cool, has dinosaurs on it. I made one for Mr Baby out of his puppy and kitty fabrics. I think Nick was surprised it got made so fast.

Rakzor showed up, said Whittney's mom won't even let them talk after school now, poor girl has to have a police escort to the bus, and if Rakzor is there, OMG, the school staff has been instructed to call 911. Crimeny! The woman is a fruitcake!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

And now for today

it looks like it is going to be another rainy day.

And for yesterday......

it was a rainy day and I argued with ebay a lot.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


No show with Dora today. I dreamed I told her she couldn't bring Aaron over but she acted like she didn't hear me.

Judy and I got the three slides locked up. I had also dreamed that I woke up and there were all these kids climbing all over them, with their moms. I told them to get off my lot. Leo mowed the yard for me. Way cool.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Uh oh

Dora never showed up with Aaron. She never called, either. I'm glad I didn't tell Mr Baby that he was supposed to come over. I don't see myself answering her calls any more, or being here when she shows up with Aaron. I'm going to have to find some other kids to watch. Like Londa said, I've been out the $140 Dora owes me for almost a year, so it's not like I miss it, and she hasn't been paying me anyways, so if I don't watch him, I'll actually be money ahead.

Nick didn't come over because when Gene called to tell me he was taking him to the bank with him, he found out I was laying Mr Baby down for his nap. He said Nick would only be there (here or at his store) for 15 minutes before Theresa got off work. So Nick didn't come over either.

I dreamed we went to Dr King's office even though the appointment had been cancelled. He looked tired in the dream, lost, in a way.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Mr Baby got his first popsicle that he got to eat all by himself today. He did drop it, though, but I got the dirt scraped off before he could throw a fit.

I put my resume in for the English teacher position in Korea today. I have pretty much had it with things around here. Ebay really screwed me over today. They not only yanked all of my listings, but they suspended my account. When I got it cleared up (a whole $14.70-something due from an accounmt from two+ years ago) they reinstated that account but not the one I have been using. This during the time I found out Ashe was running off wuth my stuff, mainly my lotion. The 22 bucks a jar lotion......

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Mr Baby is 16 months old today

He's such a cutie pie. He really grossed his sister out today. He won't quit sneezing and he is blowing snot all over, and then he tries to wipe it off. He's not too good at it, though. Ick.....

Friday, April 20, 2007

Summer is HERE!!!!!!

We found our first violet of the year, repotted some plants, found more dandelions (of course) and Mr Baby also got his very first scraped knee, his left one, about the size of a nickle with about the size of a quarter being red around it. He didn't even flinch. Really!

We keep sniffing dandelions, I think that is why he has such a runny nose. Poor guy.

Stupid fucking ebay........

I had to redo a listing for an item because someone didn't like that I was selling it, reported it as having been recalled, and got my listing yanked. So I researched it, found out that it has NOT been recalled, and relisted it, and added, for half a buck, mind you (big deal, huh?), a 'byline', if you will, that it's never been recalled, and then put in LINKS so they could tell for themselves that it has not been recalled. Stupid people, sheeesh, bad enough I have to deal with one here, now I have them popping out of ebay.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sleepy baby

He fell asleep on me while we were getting ready to go outside. It's a lot nicer than what was predicted.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rakkie found my missing disc

at least he thinks he has it. w00t w00t

I feel so bad

I woke up to the dryer still running, having to pee, being so thirsty I couldn't believe it, and Mr Baby screaming at me for having gotten out of bed. Bathroom, basement, and then to the kitchen to get a drink of water. And that is where I lost it. He wouldn't quit screaming at me, not crying, screaming, with capital screams even. I lost my patience and spalshed some water on him. Yeah, I know, it didn't make him quit screaming at me. Poor baby, I love him so much, and I don't want to lose my temper like that, all I can say is at least I didn't do anything worse. It still bothers me that I did it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

He's such a cute lil guy

He told me at 6:15 this morning "good mommy". How adorable! Later on, when I was sweeping and cleaning, he decided he wanted the vaccuum. Ok, he's played with it before. No problem. So I let him play with it. As soon as I walk out of the room, he sucks his left big toe up with it. I was running back to him as soon as I heard the change in the vac, before he even got out that first scream. Poor kid. I told him that that only proved the vaccuum couldn't sweep him up.

He's such an adorable lil cookie head.

Later, we went to the park. Here are some pics.

You can see his dimples here REALLY well.














Running with his dandelions.














Yes, he did go down the big blue slide with me, and I had to grab him because he wanted to go down without me.

Monday, April 16, 2007


I found Rakkie's videos of buttracing online.

They are installing the FIOS now.

Chuck brought me tye title to the van. Yay!!! Mr Baby wanted the paper, LOL.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

~sigh~ (And a big one, too)

Nick woke me up at 6:30 this morning singing. Then he started getting into my stuff, and giving it to Mr Baby. After last night, I wanted to make sure he'd eat the life cereal I bought. He took a piece and said he liekd it. I had him try the milk, he said he didn't like it. Ok, fine. He took a nibble off the piece of life cereal he still had in his hand. I asked him to just eat it so it didn't end up on the floor. He started to cry (again) that he didn't like it. Great, now I have a food waster onmy hands. He said he was going to tell me after I gave him a bowl of cereal that he really didn't like it. Yeah, there's no more trying with this case.

Rakkie got my pics on disks, but I forgot to tell him to leave some folders on the computer. Ooops!!!

I had that dream again about the broken staircase, only this time it was in a school. They said they did it like that to slow the kids down because they were going to fast. I went down it three times, not sure why, and the last time I got stuck, took a wrong turn, and had to drop down a flight. I wish I'd have that dream again about the crazy attic. Those are cool. I've had about three or four of those. I'm glad I've only had the broken stairs dream twice now. Those are not fun, and I can fly in my dreams. I wonder what they would be like for someone who didn't know how to fly.......

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Mr Baby's Grandma's Birthday

She is the same age now that her mom was when she died, 31 years ago. 31 is my "lucky" number. It snowed like crazy today. Mr Baby insisted we go out in it. I took pics, of course. He was having a great time, the lil cutie.

Later, after Nick was dropped off again, he (Nick, not Mr Baby) threw a bluubbering fit over some amcaroni and cheese I had fixed, saying I had put salt in it. Yeah, I am done, I even tried to have G straighten it out, and all he did was back Nick up. I give up. Final time. Let him turn into some asshole monster. I don't care any more. Birth parents, if you don't know the adoptive parents well, don't think you are going to find out they are normal as you go down the road with them, after you've given them a precious baby to screw up. You most likely won't find this to be the case, but that one minute mom spoils the crap out of him, then tells him he is an idiot, and then acts all surprised when he's doing second grade math in kindergarten. I simply give up. I'm not going back thru this shit.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Freckles on Friday the 13th

I found a freckle on Mr Baby's side, under his right arm, last night, and found another one today, on his back. They tickle, LOL. He is so cute.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I am so lucky!

Mr Baby is such a wonderful child. He is so sweet, and good, I count myself really lucky and blessed to be his mommy. I hope he feels the same way and is as happy with me as I am with him.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Monday, April 09, 2007

For Easter, 2007

Well, this is a redo, but I don't remember what I put in it, except for some reason, it published twice yesterday, and is not here now.

I talked to Aunt Jeanne for a bit. She told me that Dr King's wife died, so I looked it up. She found the lump September 15 of last year, and even with chemo, she still died March 10th. I am wondering what we were doing those days. The day she died we were atthe grocery store (finally), but I will have to read his hard copy journals to see what we were doing the day she found the lump.

Mr Baby also let me take a shower today. Very nice of him.

Well, this sux

I go to write in this today, and it's GONE!!! Sent me to another blog. The two Easter ones are GONE, and I can't bring them back up, either. This really sux, I can't remember what I put in them.

And now, while changing Evil Princess Kitty's litter box, I see *gasp* mushrooms that look like strange pasta pieces............. WTHF???????? Ok, I looked them up and they are harmless, but a sign of water. Duh! LOL

Mr Baby didn't take a nap all day. He went to sleep about 8:30.........

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Mr Baby is so cute, no matter what he does.

Corey made it into town ok, too, and even called me when he got to Grandma's house. I have to get Clayr her stuff out next week.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

Uh oh, Mr Baby got a spanking today - kicked me real good in the wrist during a poopy diaper change first thing in the morning, and when I told him NO, he grinned, and did it again. He didn't cry long, though, and all was well, even with the poopoo butt. He didn't even do that newborn cry he has down pat.

Mr Baby decided to throw a bloody fit for G today while I took N into the store to get Easter stuff. It wasn't pretty. Poor kid.

Later, we did Easter eggs. Mr Baby has really good aim, can get an egg into the cup from three feet away. *splash!!!*

Afterwards, Mr Baby practiced blowing his nose. Too cute.....

Both of the boys were having fun with the balloons that were floating over the heat vent. Here are some pics.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Mr Baby found a baseball in Grandma Judy's bushes today while he was walking up and down the sidewalk with Leo and me. Mr Baby got the screen door open somehow (it wasn't locked - one more reason to keep the doors locked) and was looking at me like "how'd I get out here, mommy???" so we went for a walk right then.

Monday, April 02, 2007

He's so cute!!!

Mr Baby was using his toy rake like it was a hobby horse. Later on, I pulled out my old toys from the depths of the garage. It took a while to clean them all up, especially the blocks, but it's done now.

April Fool's Day was yesterday

But nobody played any jokes on me and I didn't play any on anyone else.

We did go look at the van.