Saturday, October 01, 2011

Mailed the Petition Today!!!

I'm giddy. I've been so busy doing that kind of stuff, going through what we got back, and writing the stupid thing up, editing it, clarifying it, rephrasing things, and just on and on, that I haven't gotten much else done. Plus the whole thing is VERY depressing. It froze me up on so many levels that I would never had thought were things that would have been affected by our interactions with 'those people in Indy' but maybe 'infected' is a better word. But it's mailed, on its way, and now all I can do is wait for me to get notification if I can proceed without paying the fees or not. Praying that there is nothing I've left out that my fine-toothed comb didn't catch. I sent it certified mail, in a flat rate Priority mail envelope, just glad it all fit.. They should get it Tuesday or Wednesday. Either way it goes, it's closure for us. And I know they can't discard this just by putting it in with their bankruptcy, because it's all based on fraud. I also have to mail in that request for info about the dog Alan was starving to death in the back yard kennels. Word of warning, don't just check criminal records, call the animal care and control agency in the area of the person or persons you are getting ready to start interacting with. I wish I had. These people had no criminal records, but anyone who can starve an animal just because they didn't want it, or let someone starve an animal in front of them (especially while eating a pound or two of bacon every morning), well, they've definitely got something wrong with them in the noggin. They aren't people you want to deal with, unless, of course, you yourself have something wrong with you, and think such things are just fine. If I had known that Alan had done this, and that Teresa let him, without trying to help that poor dog, I would never ever had taken my kids to Indy.

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