My Life in the Fort
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Mr baby and I saw a blood moon last night, but even though he cried, and did a lot of it, too, something didn't feel 'right' outside, so I took him back inside. Boy, was he mad.
Lost isn't on. I think I am going to cry.
Mr Baby is having a very bad day. He peed through two diapers over night, woke up poopied, and then when he was throwing a fit because I c ouldn't getout of the bathroom fast enough, he bonked his nose on the carved part of the bathroom door. Looks almost like a burn, it's all red and shiney, but no bruise yet. Silly baby.
He found my fourth battery!!!! Yay, for Mr Baby!!!!!!!!!
Josh is still over at Grandma's house - Cindy is not up to bringing him home yet. Corey said it might be Sunday before he gets to come home.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Ok, first, Londa showed up at 7:22 AM, and we talked for a while. She left a while later, and while we were sitting out on the front porch (don't have a back porch to sit on, lol), this black poodle came up to us. The evil Princess Kitty was outside with us, and she got all upset about the dog. Mr Baby got so scared, he was shaking. I grabbed him, rather clumsily, I might add, because he was wiggling around so much, I couldn't get a grip on him sufficient to pick him up with, and hoisted him up on the porch. Londa wasn't worried about the dog. It was a cute dog, but when a dog doesn't wag its tail, or bark or sniff the ground, but almost walk out into the street, (and no reaaction at all to the cat, on top of it all), to me there is something wrong with the dog. Londa left, I called animal control, they had voice mail up to call the desk sargeant, so I did that, the lady there told me to watch the dog. As in follow it around. I told her the dog had already scared the crap out of my baby, and wasn't going to do that especially with a strange acting dog. DUH!!!!!!! Anyways, a bit later, I get a knock at the door. The animal control lady. Asked if it was my dog. I said nope, I was the one who called about it, though. Poor dog let her slip a leash over its head and it trotted off with her to the animal control van. I am wondering if I can find out what happeend to it. Princess sure did notlike it one bit, though.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
More Words of Mr Baby
get out (mainly from getting out of the tub, but also when I am going over the baby gates and the cat is in the way)
Josh spent the night, and when he 'came home', I found out it was just to get some things so he could spend the night again. I teased him that he would be back on Saturday. He said 'no'.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Words of Mr Baby
Mr Baby can say these words (and although some sound identical to other words, he does get upset if you can't tell the difference.) I've posted them in no particular order.....
bubbles (sounds like b'boom')
I love you
B!! for his little purple 'B' that he left in T's truck earlier today
Coulda been ouchies....
Mr Baby and Nick were in their first auto accident today. Hopefully, it is not a trend. We were at the drive up window at McDonald's on Goshen Road when we were rear-ended by a little old lady. She barely tapped us, but it was enough for me to ask T if we had just been hit from behind. When she got out of the truck, the little old lady started waving her arms at her and was saying 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry.....' We had just come back from finding out that UPS had let us down, they were closed. Don't go Brown, they let you down..... How's that for a slogan? I did get the stuff sent out that was going by USPS, so Clayr will be getting her two care packages soon. I did forget the stupid customs forms, but I will get them later. I was in there after closing time, so I really didn't want to take up more of their time. They were very nice and helped me through the forms and all. They told me when T had taken the boxes in there before and hadn't been able to get them mailed out, she had called back to complain and try to get them into trouble with their supervisor.
Josh went over to Grandma's house to see a movie with Cindy and Corey.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Rakkie and Mr Baby are the same age.......
Hahahahahaha. Rakkie is 12 times older than Mr Baby, 17 years and 17 months.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
The Moon Came Back, The Moon Came Back!!!
Mr Baby was soooooooooo happy to see the moon again. It kept hiding behind the cloud cover, so I told him it was playing peekaboo, and he really liked that. Other than that, it was a very lazy Sunday. He even put down for a nap early in the morning, silly baby boy.
I did talk to my friend overseas, and he said he would help me out with the phone bill. We shall see.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Busy week...
Two days ago, we were coming back from a walk down on Rudisill, and heard this soundlike a kitten crying. Turns out it was a little boy, about 2 or 3, on his front porch. I opened the door for him, he ran inside, and threw himself down on the couch. Poor kid. I could hear a phone ringing, sounded like a cell. He wouldn't answer me, I told him to not go outside any more. I didn't want to call anyone about it cause they would just tkae him away and put him in foster care. The night before, the cops had been out here, busting people so I am hoping that they didn't bust his mom and leave him behind so they could use it against her later. I told Theresa about it, and she said I shouldn't have let him back inside, since his mom probably put him out on the prch for a punishment. Uh, I hope she never did that to Nick, but now I don't believe Gene that she was just saying that to get to me, I think she really did let him go outside and play by himself at 18 months.
Mr Baby is so cute. that's not why I'd never leave him outside by himself at such a young age, though. He could gethurt, snatched, run over, picked on, stung by a bee, bit by a bug, drown in someone's pool (we set up our own, by the way) or fall down and scrape his knee. It could be anything.....
Last night, I decided to list the pack n play on ebay. I hate listing there, they really suck, but I don't really have a choice, I need the money if I am going to pay for things we need. I told lenny I'd give him the cell number so he can still call me for when the verizon stuff gets turned off. He sent me the green sickly guy smiley. Then he wanted to talk, I didn't repsond.
I called a guy from CM, Wes, and talked to him a couple of times last night. I think heis really cool.
I got on Nick about scaring Mr Baby. He acts fine with him when I am around, but as soon as I leave the area, Nick gets really mean towards him, trying to jump at him and growling, scratching at him with his hands, and wavinghis arms around athim. Mr Baby doesn't like it one bit.
Few days back, Nick decided, and this was before Mother's Day, that he was going to get all pissy and start screaming at his mom thathe hated her and all kinds of stuff. Ran out the door (again, this is the second time I am talking about) and banged on the glass again. I really have to move from here in August. I get my check, and we have to gooooooo. I don't want Mr Baby seeing that, it seems like every time Nick does that, Mr Baby is up half the night with either night terrors, which are really the worst, or nightmares. I don't wan thim thinking he can run off like Nick does, and I don't want him thinking he can act hateful like that.
Came back from Brownlee's and Nigel was here. He had ridden the bus over here to see Rakkie.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Oh yay, fricking great.......
I found out this early am that Nick had been exposed to head lice a couple months back. Joy. I called his dad to lethim know, and he freaked. Bad. He called the school and had them check Nick's hair. Thankfully, he does not have it. I seriously doubted that he did, I was just telling his dad because I was so pissed about it. A while back, the kid's mom asked to use my clippers so she could cut her son's hair. Well, she said the clippers were cutting it too short, so she was just going to shave it all off, so it would grow back in evenly. I said 'ok' and got her the other attachment. Now she is telling me she shaved his head because he had head lice. i need a wall. I need a wall. I need a WALL.............
Speakingof walls, Mr Baby got a surprise today. I hung up his sunflower painting (the big one) on the back of the bookshelf. Hopefully, it will last. I used roofing nails, of all things, to hang it up (there's no frame).
Manuela called me to let me know what has been going on lately. Rakkie has a new girl in his sights. I told Gene later on I was going to get him a CB2000 and get Ashe a chastity device. Don't they have anti-hormone shots yet on the market??? Dang. Manuela doesn't think they will let Rakkie go back to Northside, They better, or I will sue the shit out of them.
I finished up the yardwork with the weedeater. I also worked on the trellis. There is already a vine or two (I killed one while working around it - oooops) growing around the base. So far, no morning glories are popping up. While I was working on the trellis, though, I discovered two flea larvae trying to use me as their first meal. They won't make it to fleas. Now I am worried Princess has them, since she snuck outside. My fault, I knew the cord kept the door open, and I could have shut the kitchen-to-basement door. Ahhh, yes, it's the end of te world........
Mr Baby came up to me and said "B!" while holding his big purple 'B'. Then he insisted it was a 'D'. Silly butt. He's still growling like a cat with a furball.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
A nice day today
It was hot, but nice, a bit too sunny, though, so I put sunblock on Mr Baby's head. That didn't work too well. When we were back inside, he decided he didn't want the computer on, so he shut it off. Yes, he knows how to do that. It's about the fourth time he's done so, and he knows how to do it correctly, too. He's doen it so many times, I know it can't be an accident. He shuts the monitor off, too, and then stands there and grins at me with that 'so what are you going to do, mommy???' Just too cute, I can't even start to get upset about it.
I did get to do some weedeating early in the day. I was getting ready to go back over to Brownlee's to get us a pizza and have him eat that on the porch while I used the weedeater in the front, but it was sprinkling when we went out the door. We still went and got the pizza. Mr Nolan was mowing his front yard, and then he came and did the park strip. When we got back, and almost across the parking lot, it started to downpour. Mr Nolan was coming up between the houses and I said thanks to him. He had mowed the south half of the yard too, but not the north part, due to the rain, so now all I have left is a bit in the back to do, out by the alley, which I think maybe twice a month will suffice, and the north part of the yard. Then it will be gardening time.
Dora called me to tell me that her mom has been watching Aaron. I didn't explain to her yet that I won't be watching him any more. I am hoping her mom will be doing it from now on. I told her 'see? your mom could have done that the whole time.' I hope she takes the hint.
And I noticed that the clock onthe wll decided to take a dump on me. I have to change the battery again. Yay! I am also working on the pictures, so I will be hanging things up on the wall, anyways, so I guess it took its dump at an ok time.
I found out I got an A in the LBST class.
Mr Baby and I were looking at books. He's so stinking cute. He saw the tigers in his 1-2-3 book, and I asked him to growl like a tiger. He's so cute, but he sounds like a cat trying to cough up a furball, lol. Yes, I did get him doing it on video, so I need to get that uploaded soon.
Later on, when he was taking a nap, I took an old knit skirt and made a pillow for Mr Baby. It has a pocket. When he woke up, I showed him the pillow and pointed out the pocket. He looks at me, smiles, and says 'pocket!' :)
Monday, May 07, 2007
2:27 PM
I woke up today with my shirt off and Mr Baby laying on top of me, smiling at me, ear to ear. Little cutie pie, I wish I could upload images from my minnd. That would be so cool.
Anyways, we woke up and got dressed and walked over to Brownlee's, got some milk and ceral. Mr Baby likes rice krispies, so we got that. Then when we left, he tried walking down the alley (south) so I let him, and we came up on the other side of the garage across the street. He got very upset when I wouldn't let him have a baby sandal we found laying in the parking lot. We finally got home, ate some cereal, and went outside to play. I mowed most of the backyard. Just need to trim it up now.
Later on, we were outside walking aruond and we went over to the Nolan's next door. Mr Baby crawled up the stairs, which took a while, because he was pretending to be shy. He finally got there and played with Mr Nolan for a while. He kept saying kitty and pointing to the inside of the house.
Mr baby let me trim his nails. He's such a cutie pie. :)
Clayr's package weighs in at a bit over 18 pounds. Post office says it will cost $29 something. I think I am going to send it in two priority flat rate boxes instead of just the one. Ouch, but that will be $16.20 instead.
Debbie in California called me a bit after 11 pm, then put the phone down (???) and then hung up on me. (Then when she called back, it didn't ring, and it didn't show a voice mail until the next day. Hello, Verizon???)
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Today, wow!
First, I got to take a shower, very cool. After that, I got to finish up my exams, and now, I am done with school, until August. Yay!!!! Then Ashe and Rakkie came over and she actually gave me my perfume back. She did, however, make sure she insulted it by saying it smelled like old lady butt. (I'd like to know how she knows what old lady butt smells like, and which old lady's butt she sniffed to know for sure.)
Mr Baby is so cute, he got a sucker from the barber, and then a nother from Duane. I need to take pics of them over at Brownlee's so i can put them in here.
later on, after putting Mr Baby down for the night, Iheard a 'thump' down in the basement. Princess Kitty heard it too. Nobody was down there when I went down to check, though.
Watching a movie, a bit after midnight, and it is about a woman who can go back and forth thru time with this music box. She puts her daughter to bed, goes to sleep herself, curled up next to her husband, and wakes up next to someone else. She runs downstairs to see her daughter, and she is gone, like she was never there. I hate that, things like that are what make me want to cry and I hate crying over movies. There is enough to cry over in the world that is real, but can you imagine, waking up, and your kid just does not exist and you are the only one who remembers her? No pictures, no nothing. Like byunni Lake, only for real, and no one to go after, etiher. Ok, she went back agqain with the music box and it worked, she has her daughter again. I am going to be such a fill in the lank here over the summer, I'm so not going to know what to do with myself.............
Friday, May 04, 2007
One more day of classes.........
Rakzor isn't coming up this weekend, he is going to help his dad with some landscaping down there.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
But for today, May 2.....
We went out to IPFW to take papers in to show I had unusual circumstances, resulting in a higher need. Hope it works. He said he'd call today and let me know.
And for May Day (yesterday - oooops!)
Wow, a busy day. 88 degrees out, then it stormed, then it HAILED!!!!!!! Cool! I got some pics, kind of weird looking.
I got my ethics motto done and turned in. Done with that class. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!
Later on, the moon was out, behind the neighbor's house. I got some pics, but you can't really see it well. I blew this one up, you can sort of see the halo around it.
MayDay with hail and then a full moon (or almost so) with a halo. wonder if that means anything in particular.